You make me crazy

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The world has moved a lot forward, the monarchy has almost vanished from the whole world, but in Thailand it was still present and respected. Prince Wasuthorn, also known as Sky, second in line to the throne after his brother, the crown prince, never liked monarchy, he wanted to be a free bird. Normally it wasn't easy for a member of the royal family to go out of the company and study, but he got that chance, he was the king's favorite kid, he was the youngest of the family after 1 brother and 2 sisters. Most loved member of the family always gets the special treatment.

So here he was, in University of Edinburgh learning photography and media, neither the course nor the college was normal for a royal, yet he was here. His family had hired a special agency for his safety who will place a bodyguard around him in disguise.

His team had already informed him that his bodyguard will be reporting him tonight. He was waiting in his condo around 7pm in the evening when his bell rang. The royal guard who was taking care of him until the bodyguard joined introduced him to a guy, around his age, or maybe younger.

He wasn't a male model but he should have been. The lush, thick black hair he groomed so carefully had a rippling quality, a sign of his rude health. His only blemish was that he had a mole on his left side of his eyes, but maybe that made him more .... prominent. His eyes had the same startling clarity as a mountain stream and the lineaments of his face were in perfect proportion to each other.The sculpted nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power. He seemed molded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. Lacquered and enameled by the sun, he radiated energy and brio. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman. They were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and paired to perfection. With eyes as bright and spellbinding as lode stars, they bewitched all those who fell under his steady gaze. They were a-sparkle with mirth and shone like two eternity-blue jewels enwrought in snow.

"Hello, I am Prapai. You can call me Pai or Prapai or P'Pai. Let me know what I am supposed to address you as."
"Hello, you can call me Sky. But why Phi? Are you older than me?"
"Yes, 6 years."
"Oh." Sky's mouth stayed open for a few seconds before he thought loudly "You don't look like though."
"Sorry?" Prapai asked.
"Nothing, I am just thinking about something."
"Yes, your thoughts were loud and audible."
"I will be living with you as a roommate, just met as we rented the rooms, I will also be in same class as you."
"I thought you are older."
"That's the reality, this is the story we are making for the disguise."
"Ok, I don't speak much. You makeup whatever story you want and keep me posted."
"You can take the smaller bedroom on the left, beside you is my bedroom. DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION."

He just nodded and left, Sky looked at the athletic back, and his hands holding the black bag he was holding in his hands.

"Is that all you have or you will be shifting tomorrow officially?" Sky shouted.
Prapai stopped in his way "That's all." and walked away without looking back.

"Where did you get that brood?"
"He is the best one in the industry, he has also taken a knife scar for his last client."
"Was it a girl, maybe that's why. He won't for me."
"We will see when time comes. I will be returning tomorrow. He will take care of all of your needs. Just let him know what you want, including food."
"Oh so he is a bodyguard and a maid?"
"For now I am at your service." Sky jumped at the voice, he didn't expect that man to be back so soon, now wearing a black track pants and a light blue t-shirt, sleeves hugging his biceps tight. 'Maybe I should forbid tight clothes at home.' Sky thought, luckily not loudly this time.


One morning when Sky woke up earlier than the other days because he had fallen asleep earlier the day before as he was tired from school work. He heard a light music coming from the next room. He thought his roommate was the most boring person he had ever met. He didn't talk. He only glared at Sky all the time. And mostly looked away. As if Sky disgusted him. It made him furious many times. But he controlled his anger. He promised his father he won't attract trouble and he will try that hard.

He knocked on his bodyguard's door, he was hungry and he wanted to order food for breakfast, but couldn't just order for himself, he needed to feed his staff too. The door opened, the first thing that hit his ears was the loud electronic music while he was still scrolling through his food app to find something to eat, he looked up from his phone "I am orderrrrr..........." the scene that unfolded in front of his was something he had never seen, his bodyguard, was half naked, dripping wet from head to .... No he can't look, no he shouldn't look down.

"You want something?"
"Oh... Ah... I mean nothing." and he ran back to his room and closed the door shut, he leaned on his door "What did I just see? ................ Wait, why did I run away? ................. Shit, did I just sell myself out to him ....... that I like men? .............. Oh ............ My life as a prince is over."
He slid down and sat on the floor, like a half dead person for as long as no disturbed him, but his moment was short lived. Someone knocked on his door. He opened the door and peeked outside. Prapai was standing there with a frown on his face.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"I don't feel like eating. You can continue what he was doing" and closed the door.


Since that incident Sky has been ogling Prapai when he wasn't looking. Once in a while he was also caught in the act, Prapai had noticed Sky's eyes on him, he felt it more when he wasn't looking. He knew Sy was looking at him when Prapai wasn't looking, one thing Sky forgot was, Prapai had the access to the CCTV cameras in the house, in which he had seen Sky stealing glances at him.

"Do you like what you see?" Prapai caught Sky looking at him while Prapai was sitting on the sofa looking at something in his tab and Sky was pretending to drink water in the kitchen for 15 mins. Prapai was wearing a deep sleeveless tank top and shorts.
"What do you mean?"
Prapai placed his ipad on the coffee table and covered the distance between them, Sky's back was resting on the kitchen counter, his right hand was holding the counter and left hand he was holding the glass he was drinking water from, Prapai placed his left hand beside Sky's right hand on the counter, took the glass from Sky's hands and placed it on the counter top away from Sky's reach and placed his hand on the other said of Sky, locking him in the place, hovering over him, not giving him a chance to escape.

"When you can see from near, why are you stealing glances?"
"Wh... what do you mean?" Sky gulped hard.
"You don't need to steal glances to look at me from afar. Just look at me when you want."
"And you don't mind?"
"I guess no."
"Are you joking with me?"
"Did I ever joke with you?"
"No" Sky said and looked down, he couldn't look at those intriguing eyes staring into his soul.
"Then?" placed
"Do you know what this means?"
"Do you really think I don't know?
"Are you sure? I..."

"The day I first placed my eyes on you I knew you will be the end of my career, you will be the end of my existence, I know you are a prince and it's forbidden and above that you are my client and I have signed a deal for your safety, but I am sorry I can't save you from myself. So if you want to run away now, tell me. You can go back to your room, your bodyguard will be changed first thing tomorrow morning, if you don't Sky, I am not letting you go even if you want to later."


"Tell me what do you want?"

Sky tiptoed a little bit and kissed him on his lips, it can't even be called a kiss, maybe peck.

"You started it, remember that." And Prapai leaned in for a kiss, a real kiss, which Sky had never experienced.

He knew Sky was his end, his self-control where he had never ever thought about his clients but Sky, he controlled him. It had been almost 8 months since they had lived together. Not a single day had passed when he didn't think of kissing those pink lips. Devouring them like his favorite meal. His professionalism can wait, but the way Sky felt right now, near him, his body radiating heat which he can feel was way more tempting. The kiss grew deeper, Sky moaned in his lips and Prapai pulled him up, Sky's legs now entangled at Prapai's waist, hands around his neck. Prapai moved away from the kiss and Sky protested in a whine. "Your room or mine?" Prapai asked. "Mine."


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