Chapter 4

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The feeling of being in Mr. Jeon's study was dense with an overwhelming feeling of looming anxiety and tension. One of Mr. Jeon's friends in business, Mr. Chen, sat across the table, appearing disturbed and anxious. The beads of sweat on his forehead and the tense way he swallowed showed that his normally calm demeanour had soured.

Mr. Jeon watched Mr. Chen with a hint of anxiety as he leaned his chin against his back palm and made a peaceful scissor movement with his fingers. Mr. Chen was rarely seen in such a state, which told everything about the seriousness of the problem.

Mr. Jeon said, his tone measured but slightly curious, "Mr. Chen, you look troubled."

Mr. Chen nodded, trying not to show the chaos inside him through his calm façade. "Indeed, Mr. Jeon. There is a market downturn that is affecting my firm. I'm afraid I might lose everything if this keeps up with the decline in our shares."

Mr. Jeon listened closely, his demeanour unreadable. He was renowned for his sharp business sense and skill at handling challenging situations.

Mr. Jeon measuredly replied, "I understand the importance of the circumstances, Mr. Chen. But what exactly do you expect me to do?"

Mr. Chen leaned closer, his eyes displaying desperation. "Mr. Jeon, I need your help. We could get this solved with your help and funds. I'll stop at nothing to keep my business viable."

There was a tense silence while Mr. Jeon thought about Mr. Chen's request. He was aware that becoming engaged in these affairs could be dangerous, but that there was also a chance to make big profits if done right.

"Very well, Mr. Chen," Mr. Jeon said in a firm tone at last. "I'll study the situation and determine my options. But keep in mind that there are risks involved."

As Mr. Jeon leaned forward and spoke in a deep, powerful voice, the tension in the room increased. He said, "I heard you have a daughter, Mr. Chen," squinting a little to watch Mr. Chen's response.

Mr. Chen instantly displayed a stern, determined look as he met Mr. Jeon's gaze, stiffening his features. "Mr. Jeon, please don't bring her into our business," he shot out, his tone slightly foreboding.

Mr. Jeon leaned back in his chair, a calculating glint in his eyes. "See, Mr. Chen, this is business," he stated matter-of-factly. "And I always see profit. I won't gain anything from helping you, but you have everything to lose. Except, perhaps, your daughter."

Mr. Chen's eyes widened in realisation, a mixture of shock and anger flickering across his face. "You can't be serious," he exclaimed, his voice rising slightly.

Mr. Jeon's tone turned deadly serious. "I am dead serious, Mr. Chen," he replied, his voice low and menacing. "I want your daughter to marry my elder son. That's it."

The room fell silent, the weight of Mr. Jeon's proposition hanging heavily in the air. It was a chilling reminder of the ruthless nature of business, where alliances and deals were often forged through unconventional means.

Mr. Chen's mind raced as he processed the ultimatum before him. He knew the implications of refusing Mr. Jeon's demand could be dire, but the thought of sacrificing his daughter's happiness for the sake of business sent a shiver down his spine.

"I need time to think about this," Mr. Chen finally replied, his voice strained.

Mr. Jeon nodded, his expression unreadable. "Take your time, Mr. Chen. But remember, time is a luxury we may not have."

As Mr. Chen left the office, a sense of unease settled over him. The line between business and personal had been blurred in a way he had never imagined, and the choices he faced were ones that could change the course of his life—and his daughter's—forever.

The tension in the room was palpable as Mr. Jeon, known for his cunning ways and strategic mind, laid out his plan to trap Mr. Chen in a business deal that would change the course of their lives.

With a sly smile, Mr. Jeon turned his piercing gaze towards Mr. Chen, his eyes gleaming like sirens luring sailors into treacherous waters. "You see, Mr. Chen, I have a proposition for you," he began, his voice smooth but laced with a hint of menace.

Mr. Chen, feeling the weight of the situation, listened intently as Mr. Jeon outlined the details of the deal. It was a lucrative opportunity on the surface, but Mr. Jeon's ulterior motives were clear.

As Mr. Jeon spoke, his mind drifted to his elder son, Jeongsuk. A careless brat of the family, Jeongsuk's reckless behavior had caused countless arguments between Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon about his future. It was this familial strife that had fueled Mr. Jeon's decision to take this calculated step.

"You see, Mr. Chen," Mr. Jeon continued, his voice taking on a sinister tone, "I need someone like you to partner with me on this venture. And in return, I can guarantee your company's success."

Mr. Chen's expression wavered, torn between the temptation of success and the potential risks involved in dealing with Mr. Jeon.

"And what about my daughter?" Mr. Chen asked cautiously, sensing the underlying threat in Mr. Jeon's proposition.

Mr. Jeon's smile widened, his eyes flashing with a dangerous glint. "Ah, yes, your daughter," he mused, his voice dripping with implication. "Let's just say that if you agree to this deal, her future will be secured as well."

Mr. Chen's heart sank as he realized the true extent of Mr. Jeon's plan. He was being backed into a corner, forced to choose between his daughter's happiness and the success of his company.

With a heavy sigh, Mr. Chen reluctantly agreed to the deal, knowing that he had fallen into Mr. Jeon's carefully crafted trap. Little did he know, this was just the beginning of a web of deceit and manipulation that would unravel in ways he could never have imagined.

Mr. Jeon leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on Mr. Chen with a calculating gaze. "Let me paint a picture for you, Mr. Chen," he began, his voice measured yet persuasive. "Imagine your daughter as the eldest heir of the Jeon family, with a significant share of our vast wealth at her side. She would lead a life of luxury and privilege as the wife of my son, Jeongsuk."

Mr. Chen's mind raced as he processed Mr. Jeon's words. The allure of such a future for his daughter was undeniable, but the implications of aligning with the powerful Jeon family were equally daunting.

"I understand your hesitation, Mr. Chen," Mr. Jeon continued, sensing the internal struggle within his counterpart. "But think of the opportunities this union would provide for your daughter. She would have access to resources and connections that could elevate her to new heights."

Mr. Chen's thoughts were conflicted as he weighed the potential benefits against the risks. On one hand, securing his daughter's future in such a manner seemed like a dream come true. On the other hand, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being manipulated and indebted to Mr. Jeon.

"And what if she refuses?" Mr. Chen finally spoke, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Mr. Jeon's smile remained unwavering, but there was a hint of steel in his eyes. "I assure you, Mr. Chen, once she understands the opportunities that await her, she won't refuse."

The air in the room grew heavy with the unspoken implications of Mr. Jeon's words. It was clear that this was not just a business deal; it was a carefully orchestrated plan to secure power and influence for generations to come.

Mr. Chen's mind raced with the weight of the decision before him. He knew that accepting Mr. Jeon's proposal meant crossing a line he had never imagined, but the promise of securing his daughter's future was too tempting to resist.

With a heavy sigh, Mr. Chen nodded slowly, his resolve hardening as he made his decision. Little did he know, this agreement would set off a chain of events that would test his morals, loyalty, and the very fabric of his family's legacy.

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