Chapter 26

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I received a call from the shareholders and board members, their voices tense as they relayed shocking news. Allegations of illegal exporting and importing had surfaced against our company. My mind went blank as I listened to the accusations, unable to form a coherent response. The weight of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks, and I found myself sinking onto the nearest couch, my legs suddenly unable to support me.

Everything seemed to be falling apart at once. The revelation about our illegal activities, combined with the absence of Jeongsuk, and now the looming threat of bankruptcy, created a perfect storm of chaos and despair.

I glanced at my wife, her eyes reflecting the same disbelief and devastation that I felt. She reached out a trembling hand, but I couldn't bring myself to respond. The magnitude of the situation left me numb, unable to process the rapid unravelling of everything I had worked so hard to build.

The room seemed to close in around me as the reality of our predicament sank in. How had things spiralled so out of control? I had always prided myself on running an honest and successful business, yet now we were facing allegations that could tarnish our reputation irreparably.

My mind raced with questions, doubts, and fears. What would happen to our company? Our employees? Our family? The weight of responsibility pressed down on me, threatening to crush me under its unbearable burden.

"Her incompetence has brought us to this point of ruin. How could you let this happen?", My wife cried and pushing the decorative vase and porcelain items.

"She was supposed to be the saviour of this family, but instead, you've brought her to ruin!", she throw the word like dragger.

It relief that Yn is not here to listen such, venom.

"You've failed as a husband and a leader. Allowing this to happen under your watch!"

Her anger seemed to fuel her, and she continued to hurl accusations and curses, painting Yn as the scapegoat for all our troubles. It was a painful and infuriating moment, watching a innocent girl being unfairly attacked and knowing that I was powerless to stop it.

As I sat in my office, the weight of my decision pressing down on me like a heavy burden, I knew that what I was about to do would have far-reaching consequences. The very existence of Jeon Enterprises and our family's empire hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of collapse.

I glanced at the paperwork spread out before me, detailing the drastic measures I had decided to take. It was a last-ditch effort to salvage what remained of our reputation and financial stability. But deep down, I knew that it might not be enough to undo the damage that had been done.

Taking a deep breath, I called for my wife to join me in my office. As she entered, her expression mirrored my own inner turmoil. There was a mixture of fear, anger, and resignation in her eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation.

"We're moving to the countryside," I announced, my voice steady despite the storm raging inside me.

Her reaction was immediate and intense. She threw me a glare filled with disbelief and frustration, her emotions bubbling to the surface. "Are you out of your mind?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with venom.

I understood her reaction. The countryside represented a stark departure from our life of luxury and prestige. It was a symbol of retreat, of admitting defeat in the face of adversity. But I also knew that staying in our current situation would only lead to further ruin.

"We have no choice," I explained, my tone firm but tinged with vulnerability. "This is the only way to protect what's left of our legacy."

She shook her head, her anger palpable. "And what about everything we've worked for?" she demanded, her voice trembling with emotion. "Are we just going to abandon it all?"

I couldn't meet her eyes as I struggled to find the right words. "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good," I replied, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air.

Her glare intensified, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "You can't just uproot us like this!" she exclaimed, her voice rising with each word. "What about our home, our life here?"

I understood her frustration and fear. Leaving behind everything we had built, our home, our connections, was not a decision to be taken lightly. But the situation had become dire, and drastic measures were needed to escape the impending downfall.

"We don't have a choice," I said, my voice tinged with regret. "Staying here means facing the wrath of creditors, the shame of bankruptcy. We can't let that happen."

Her expression softened slightly, but the venomous edge remained in her voice. "And what about jeongsuk?" she questioned, her eyes searching mine for answers.

"Jeongsuk, or should I say, Jungkook," she spat out his name with obvious distaste, "you've really outdone yourself this time."

I fought the urge to interject, knowing that any defence of Jungkook would only fall on deaf ears. Mrs. Jeon was determined to paint him as the villain, regardless of the truth.

"You've brought shame upon our family with your reckless actions," she continued, her tone laced with venom. "And now we're facing bankruptcy because of your incompetence."

I clenched my fists, feeling the injustice of her accusations. Jungkook had been working tirelessly to rectify the situation, negotiating with creditors, and exploring every possible avenue to salvage what remained of the family's business empire.

"I'm sure you have a brilliant plan to fix everything, right?" Mrs. Jeon's sarcasm was palpable, her eyes narrowing with scorn.

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "Jungkook is doing everything he can to handle this crisis," I said firmly, trying to inject some sense into the conversation.

She scoffed, a mocking smile playing on her lips. "Oh, I'm sure he is," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "After all, he's always been the golden child, hasn't he?"

It took all my self-control not to retort with equal sarcasm. Her biassed view of Jungkook was infuriating, to say the least. But I knew that getting into a verbal sparring match would only escalate the tension.

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