Chapter 7

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Hey guys! I'm just letting you know im so sorry about my grammar, and i will be cleaning it up, of course. Also, i would like to say i appreciate the votes, and im glad people are enjoying the story. That's all, thank you ♡
Axels POV

"So i think it's better to let you know about me first. Im Mrs Volkov, and im a submissive. I am a slave to be specific, and i also came to this academy. I met my dom here, and now im happily married to my wife."

She introduces herself. And the only thought that came to mind was, no, thank you.

No fucking thank you. Im not staying here to "gEt A DoM" or whatever the fuck else.

She starts handing out a paper to everyone, and i get agitated. Lovely, a test on the first week.

"This test will help determine what you are, what you like, your status, everything we need to know." She says a little too happily. Who can be happy on a Tuesday.

Finally, i received the sheet and looked it over. Immediately, i want to back out and run home like iv been wanting to. Reading the second question as "Have you ever felt more shy around assertive people in the bedroom?" what kind of question is that. SORRY? I better be ready this wrong. This school is on some high-quality nicotine. I'll tell you that much.

As im going through the paper, the more personal the questions get. I dont want to answer them. Someones going to see them. So i lie.

"Alright everyone, the bell is going to ring in a few and i need those papers before then, if your not done I'll give you time in the next lesson but only 5 minutes as we need to go over the last few things. Please remember your name!" I hear the annoying voice of this teacher.

I mean, seriously, give me a break

Finally, the bell rings, and im off to break. Finally, i need some food and weed.

You didn't think i couldn't sneak any inside this dump. Did you?

Finally, it's time to complete my plan. I start walking to the ally while smoking my joint. This has got to get me out of here. This school is strict already.

"Perfect," i whisper to myself as i see a huge plain wall.

5 minutes, teachers' constant eyes and wandering teens. What could go wrong?

"Sit there and dont move." I hear Seb say.

Remember when i said about it going wrong?I lied.

I wanted to get kicked out, yet i was found by Sebastián, shoved into detention, and now in waiting outside the principles office. Yay.

"You may go."  I hear a reception looking man say to me, and i walk in. Now im confused as Sebastián does not follow me.
Well shit im in trouble, aren't I? Thank god, u put too much effort into this not to work.

"Hello Axel."
Ya'll, what in the flip flops. This has almost 1000 reads, so THANK YOU. ♡
I appreciate you all so so much. Sorry if this book is kak. i swear I'll do grammer editing and stuff later, but enjoy for now.

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