Newcomers (Oneshot)

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(Is this an OC oneshot? Yes.

Is it Madori related? Yes.

That's why I'm putting it in here.

Ringo: It's my turn for a one shot! :D)

Characters: Bri, Ringo, Swaine Drippy, Bri's Grandmother, Esther. (Indirectly Mentioned)

Ships: None, though Bri and Swaine are canon at this point, this oneshot doesn't involve their relationship soooo...

Warnings: None.

AU: None.

Summary: Ringo wasn't sure what to think of the newcomers and the supposed savior of Madori.

Or: Ringo meeting Bri, Swaine, and Drippy, but with D E T A I L S. And E X T R A L O R E.

Or 2: Meeting the group from Ringo's POV.


At first, when she started getting visions of a savior, Ringo figured it was taking about Ms. Fey, an old woman she happened to bump into occasionally during her travels...if you can call them that. The truth was she was mostly broke and only got money from telling people their whoever would listen.

But then she revealed she had a granddaughter and all hell broke loose, mentally.

'Why couldn't it have been the old lady?'

Because she knew that would've been too simple, too easy. And unfortunately, Madori doesn't work like that. So she just had to wait for this granddaughter of hers to show up and hope she wouldn't fail.


Ringo knew a Fey when she saw them; their magic power was a dead giveaway. Though she did see a blonde-haired girl earlier, she wasn't the one.

She headed over to them, already knowing the answer to her question. "Excuse me, is your last name Fey by any chance?"

To say the other girl was shocked was an understatement. "Uh...why do you want to know?"

Well she got her footing quickly, didn't she? "Well I can't tell you that, not out here." It wasn't safe to say or even discuss that name out loud, even in Harmonia Town with as cheery as it was. She lead them to a more quiet part of town.

"Your last name holds great importance in Madori-good or bad, depending on the person. Do be careful about who you talk to from now on." She wasn't the best at explaining things, but she didn't know everything either. She's not that good at seeing the future.

"What do you mean?" The poor girl was so confused, as were her companions. Bonus points for her even bringing anyone here to help. How did she get here, anyway? A spell? Does she know any Madorian magic?

"You were sent here for a reason, and no, you're not gonna like it." Ringo decided to leave after that, she'd said enough for one day. While walking away, she heard the...little doll? Thing?...mention her first name.

Time to report to her grandmother. She has a lot more questions than answers. Besides, the less people know of her arrival, the better.


(Esther could be alone or with the group. I just felt like adding her in lmao.

Ringo: Yay I get a chapter and more information! 😀

Bri: What do you mean the less people know, the better? 🤔

Ringo: In case anyone was listening in maybe? -_-

Bri: Oh.

Ringo: You're not very smart are you?


Written on: April 23, 2024

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