chapter 2 <3

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'~jaylas pov~'
I accidentally bump into someone "watch where your going bitch" I say "oh I'm so sorry! " the girl says "whatever softie" and push her and go to the lake

|•hazels pov•|
The girl pushes me and goes to the lake where I'm gonna paint oh no! Well it's ok! I go to the lake and start painting the beautiful lake that's when I see the girl and she comes up to me, oh no! Is she gonna beat me up? But she actually didn't...

~'jaylas pov'~
I go to that blonde haired girl and sit next to her and ask if we can exchange numbers "yes sure! " the blonde says "alright I'll see you tomorrow! " she says "bye" I leave and go to the swings yes I went to the swings I like the swings that's when the girl comes over and starts talking to me "so what's your name? " "Jayla"

~|hazels pov|~
"Jayla" she says "mines hazel!" I say

To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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