A Home

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The apartment looked bigger somehow as I stared at it. Sirius and Remus walked around the corner smiling. Remus held Kaitlyn as she babbled and Sirius carried three boxes stacked on top of each other. 

Sirius stood next to me looking into the apartment my parents bought me.  Remus bounced Kaitlyn while he wandered. I tilted my head to Sirius's shoulder, fighting off tears. 

Sirius, Remus, Mary, and I were moving into Godric Hollow. Sirius shrunk the boxes and pocketed them before putting his arm around me. I sighed deeply, inhaling his musky scent. 

It fogged my head, not that I cared. When I closed my eyes, I was in the countryside of America. I was with John and Griffin, and Sirius and Kaitlyn. I shook my head when Remus's hand fell on my shoulder. 

"Are you ready?" I looked around the old apartment and nodded. It was time. 

"I'm ready," Remus squeezed my shoulder and apperated with Kaitlyn, her loud giggles disappearing with him. I took a deep breath, preparing to apperate when Sirius grabbed my hand. I looked up to see his brown eyes, watching me pensively. 

"Are you?" I smiled softly. His face was delicately sharp. When I reached up to his jaw I felt slight stubble. It made me smile. He smirked and grabbed my waist. "Are you?" I shrugged. 

"I'll be okay. I have Kaitlyn and Remus and Lily and Mary and James," he glared at me. 

"Anyone else?" I smirked. 

"How could I forget?" his lips curled up to form a smile. "Pandora is always there for me," he glared again and smashed his chapped lips to mine. I smiled as I apperated us away. 

We landed in our new kitchen. Remus had Kaitlyn on the counter with a popsicle in her mouth. Red food dye covered her mouth and cheeks. Remus laughed as she smeared the almost-gone popsicle over his shirt. The red stood out on his beige sweater vest. 

I walked quickly over as Sirius grumbled looking at his now empty hands. I picked up Kaitlyn and threw away the popsicle stick. She laughed, throwing her head back. Her curly blonde hair bounced in their pigtails. 

"I'm sorry, Remus," he shrugged and pulled off the vest, leaving him in a crisp white button-down and brown slacks and loafers. 

"It'll come out. No worries," he walked over to the sliding doors that revealed our washer and dryer. "Also, Mary is staying over with Marlene and Dorcas tonight," he reminded, throwing his shirt in the wash. 

"And you're going to visit Peter and Benji," Sirius added. Remus tapped his nose shutting the doors. 

None of the Marauders knew Peter and Benji were close until Peter refused to live with them, and chose Benji instead. Marlene and Mary weren't worried, they knew firsthand that Benji was a big softy. After a long discussion, it made sense to the rest of them.

"And, Sirius you're out with James," Remus said. Sirius nodded. 

"Very right," Sirius said smiling. I looked at Remus and then Sirius. 

"Oh, I thought you were here tonight," Sirius shook his head.  

"No, I'm sorry, lovely," I shrugged but I was disappointed. Sirius and I had been so busy with life that we hadn't gotten an evening or even a morning together since before graduation. 

Kaitlyn pulled my ear so I turned to her. Her green eyes shone with joy and curiosity. She pointed outside and babbled. We laughed as I walked to the porch door. 

"Go outside?" I asked. She nodded and mumbled something. We walked out on the new porch. 

The weather was perfect, sunny with wind. I sat down and set Kaitlyn on her feet, between my legs. She wabbled finding her balance. Her sticky little hands gripped my knees for support.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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