Entry 3

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Entry 0.999.468. M41

Yuri is dead the poor soul, blown up by a heretics krack grenade right next to jvj. Jvj seems devastated by the loss, By the Emperor on his golden throne, the heretical bastards, agents of chaos damn their eyes. The arch enemy is here, and it is our duty to expunge them from this world! Blessed is the emperor for he has sent us here to purge them from his view!

The assault began in the early hours of morning, the regiment attacked with a fury that would please the emperor's eye. The squad rushed forward towards a bunker emplacement, Conrad along with me both gunned down trench lines full of surprised enemies.

We found ourselves at the first bunker, its treacherous cannons trying to fire upon us. By the emperors grace we managed to get through unharmed deploying from the chimera to take the heretical location!

Captain Morris, Conrad and Lukas stormed forward into the side of the bunker. I could see them toss smoke grenades and run inside opening fire, while myself, Gault, JVJ and his assistant Yuri went around to the front gun ports. I tossed a frag grenade into the emplacement, the resounding explosion tossing up cries of panic from our enemies.

I was prepping another when disaster struck, I heard a yell from JVJ turning around to see the enemy had somehow tossed a krack grenade at us. By the emperor I suddenly saw yuri throw himself onto the grenade a moment before it detonated.

Saving JVJ,Gault and myself by his selfless action, the poor soul. I was rattled by the experience but knew it was my duty to continue. With a renewed fury we assaulted into the bunker, climbing into the position quickly finishing off its defenders.

Morris and the others where rushing in as well, just as we though we had the emplacement secured. A scream unlike anything I have ever hear filled the bunker, I was momentarily blinded by of all thing's visions. Horrible visions, things I care not write down and only as the blessing of the emperor to purge them from my mind.

My ears and nose where bleeding as I came too, Gault for some reason seemed un-phased by such things. Truly my friend has the blessing of the emperor despite his bad luck. unsure what to do we took up position by the gun as the others assaulted in.

What transpired next was at best chaotic, I heard over the vox bead Captain Morris babbling incoherently. Lukas and jvj tossing more smoke grenades as they began to pull Captain Morris away from a living space within the bunker. Conrad soon joined me at the emplacement when, emperor preserve us!

Warp spawn, the arch enemy, an agent of chaos in its unholy from appeared from the smoke. I was stunned for a moment, trying best to process that which should not be! I let action suddenly take over, holy throne must have been watching over us as the retreat was given.

Gault, Conrad, and I quickly spun the heavy gun around to face the threat. We had to do something to delay the beast from getting to our comrades, that was when Conrad took leave of his senses for a moment. For some reason he tried to show me his heavy bolter in a most unreasonable fashion.

For what purpose I do not know but, I easily avoided his swing leaning down onto the firing stud. My aim was true, and we blasted the creature, sadly to little effect. Yet it gave us enough time to scramble free from the bunker, dragging our comrades into the chimera. We fired a few last parting shots at the damnable thing, wounding it in the process.

Emperors forgive us for not finishing the beast, a retreat was sounded regimental wide. I sat near the vox operator calming my nerves as I write this, across the world my fellow soldiers of the Imperium are facing the same.

We head now towards the rendezvous point our numbers are thinner from what I can see. A storm has started up on the horizon, it will rain soon, Emperor help us all in our hour of need.

The Diary of Ned Stuggs: Imperial GuardsmanWhere stories live. Discover now