chapter four

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"You have to be kidding me." I was so close to just hitting Orion. "You didn't get anything of mine? Nothing?"

"No, I didn't. I didn't think I had enough time to get all one hundred of your weapons before rescuing you, which YOU have not thank me for." He starts chuckling. I swung hoping to hit his face but instead he caught me fist. I am still slow. We are going to start training together to get me where I was. He pulls me in close to his face. I pushed him away.

"You fucking asshole save the weapons then me." Mostly I am upset about my very first one being gone.

"I'll remember that next time." I laugh as I pull my boots on. This is the first time Orion is letting me leave this stuffy attic.

"Believe me, there won't be a next time." I am going to hunt every one of those bastards down. For now, I still have some healing to do, and I must go see Selan.

I walk behind Orion just in case I fall he can catch me. This is the first time I am seeing the house. It's small but enough room for an old lady. Orion was telling me how she made me food, informed him on how to take care of me, and where to go get more help. All in all, I owe her and Orion my life. It's a cute place and very warm. There is a fire going in the middle of the living space. The fireplace and the walls are made of grey stone. She asked if we wanted some tea before we left but I was too anxious to get to Selan.

As we exit the small little cottage we are met with an almost dead street. I loop my arm inside his for balance. I can feel his eyes on the side of my face. My body begins to warm up. We don't walk for long, and we start seeing fewer and less buildings. Then there is an open pasture. It has a wood fence; in the distance I see horses running. I started to shake. I don't know why I started shaking. I felt Orions arm move from my arm to just my lower back. He was tracing my spine with his fingers. It calmed me down.

"Just a little further Gray." He guided me to the barn that was a little way up. I hear her already. She is now stomping her hooves. I hear her before I see her. I went to run to her but fail miserably, Orion had to catch me from falling. I am now close enough to her gate to pet her. She looks good.

"Did you take care of her?" I look over my shoulder at him.

"Yes, I knew you'd never forgive yourself if she wasn't taken care of." He chuckles walking over to her gate and opening it. She brushed her nose on his hand and she trotted right over to me. "She is also just as stubborn as you. Took days for her to even let me get close to her when she got here. My acquaintance had to drag her here, she wouldn't let him ride her."

I smiled up at my wonderful, stubborn horse and started to cry. She pushed me to her breast and gently put her head on my shoulder. I don't know how long we were there. I knew I couldn't ride her or even decently take care of her. This made me cry even harder.

I felt numb. I couldn't move again. I felt useless. I heard Orion whisper something, but I don't remember. He made me walk back to the cottage. He had his arm wrapped around me to make sure I would fall. I pushed myself the farthest today and I have nothing to show for it. Orion had to carry me up the stairs. I could walk but physically I was drained. He laid me on the side where I had been sleeping. He moved to the other side of the bed looking at me. I grabbed his hand before he could touch me. "We start training tomorrow." That's all I said before falling asleep.

I force myself awake as soon as the sun shows. I pulled on my second set of clothes that was in the saddle. Thankful that Orion was smart enough to grab them and even smarter not to put them on me while I healed. I go to the sink, and I almost splash the water on my face but it's cold. I walk away and throw my hair into a braid. There is a full body mirror by the work desk since I am small, I can almost stand there and look. I must tilt my head down just a bit. There were still bruises all over my body. Nothing to black and blue anymore. I have yellow and blue on my cheeks. My arms are all shade. Some heal faster than others.

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