New Beginnings

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Chiara's POV

If you're sixteen and live in Rome's most beautiful neighborhood, you're considered lucky. That's all anyone has ever told you since you were little, but it's not entirely true. You find true luck with the people you meet: significant others, friends, even family. I suppose I'm lucky, I have a great boyfriend, Damiano, and don't even get me started on my best friend, Ludovica. She has shown me so many things and opened my eyes in so many ways, such as the illustrious career of underage sex work. Ludovica is the light of my life, if she were a boy I would marry her. I can't even think about that because it'll never happen... right?

My relationship with Damiano has been going downhill to say the least. I'm not sure what's going wrong with us, but it just feels as if there's something missing. I would much prefer a soft, supple bosom over his rock hard pecs, but that's neither here nor there. All that matters is that I have a boyfriend so my parents can stop accusing me of being a lesbian because I hang out with Ludovica too much. My parents never liked Ludovica, they saw her as a distraction– a bad influence. I never saw her that way, though. I saw her as more of a refreshing breath in the midst of a panic attack; I have a lot of those due to aggressive unwanted advances from older clients, which my pimp does nothing about, but the money is keeping me on the job. I think I need a break from men, but it's not like I'm a lesbian. At least, I don't think I am. My Internet search history would say otherwise, though. I'm just confused. Maybe I should talk to Ludo about it, but I'm afraid her dazzling sapphire orbs will distract me, as they so often do. Damiano has boring, dull brown eyes- they don't satisfy me much. I prefer not to look at them, he thinks I'm avoiding him but really I just hate the color of shit. It takes me right back to all those times I found myself fighting for my life in the bathroom after a particularly cheesy slice of pizza. I've heard girls with lactose intolerance are more attractive though


My head is pounding as I look around the room, immediately recognizing it as Damiano's. I vaguely remember walking here after a long night with a particularly small client... if you know what I mean. Good thing Damiano isn't small down there, but honestly I prefer a micropenis because it's less masculine and overwhelming.

"You awake?" Damiano whispers to me from across the room; I hadn't noticed he'd gotten up yet. I look towards the clock, seeing the time is 1:46 pm.

"Yeah," I mutter, smoothing the tangled hair out of my face and groggily standing up, the soft carpet embracing my feet like little sweaters.

"Do you want breakfast?" He asks me kindly, however I find it quite aggravating that he's pestering me right when I've awoken. I've always despised a man's tired voice, finding it more grating and irritating than sexy.

"I'm good, thanks." I answer with an annoyed tone, brushing his calloused man hand away from where it's come to rest on my bare shoulder. I hadn't realized he was so close to me now, too lost in my own world. At least my thoughts are more exciting than the real world.

I search for my phone in his bed, eager to see any new texts or notifications that could be from Ludovica. I find it not too long after and immediately unlock it, seeing two texts from her.

9:32 am

Ludo: gm, wanna go out for breakfast? ;)

10:17 am

Ludo: nvm, i'm assuming ur with ur bf...

I smile, but then remember the time I lost sleeping that could have been spent with Ludo. I type up a quick reply.

1:49 pm

Chiara: I'm up now, does the offer still stand? Maybe we can make it lunch instead ;)

I stare at our messages, willing her to respond faster. My eyes light up as I see her typing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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