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A/n: Just another normal day in Jay's life. Is today really normal? Let's find out.

Jay's POV.

I was sitting on the couch with the 2 maknaes. Ugh! I can't believe that Heeseung Hyung and Jake already went to there Homes and I'm here! taking care of the maknaes! What am I?! A Mother?! Sunghoon will also leave tomorrow, Ugh! I don't want to be alone with the maknae line! Jungwon came inside the room looking happy and Excited, But for what?

Ni-ki: What happened Hyung?

Won: We're going to Jeju!!

Jay: Huh?

Won: Manager-nim said that!

Sun: Oh my! When are we going there?!

Won: After Sunghoon Hyung leaves tomorrow, Maybe tomorrow at 3.

Ni-ki: I'm going to pack my bags!

Ni-ki ran to his room, So did Sunoo.

Jay: Aren't you gonna pack the bags too?

Won: Later, I'm lazy.

Jay: C'mon, your being so lazy nowadays!

Won: I'll take that as a compliment.

Jungwon laid down on the couch and put his head on Jay's thighs.

Jay: Oi, don't be a kid and stand up! I have to pack my bags even if you don't!

Won: 5 minutes~

Jay: Fine! But, only five minutes, ok?

Won: hm.

Sunghoon came in the living room giving me a teasing look. What is his problem?! I glared at him and he just casually walked away from there.

Time skip-

I was in my room packing up the clothes and I got a message from My Mom.


Dear, will you come
to meet us?

I sighed. I really want to go and meet my parents, But it's just impossible for now. I messaged her back and had a little talk to comfort her. I told her that I'll go there after the Jeju island episode with the maknaes which she agreed with. The question is if I go there what will happen to Ni-ki? He couldn't go to Japan because of the tour. I can't leave him with the other two here, they'll probably drink in front of him and tease him, and I can't believe in Sunoo at all, the only thing he knows about is Mint chocolate ice cream and nothing else. And about Jungwon, He'll be sleeping the whole day like an unbothered cat. The others will come after 2 weeks or maybe 3. I'll shove them to Heeseung Hyung after he comes back for sure! Ok, It's a bit too early to think about it. So, It's fixed, I'll take the them with me. (Sighs)

I sighed and found a coat Jungwon gifted me a long ago. I Smiled a little and my face started heating up. Wait, Am I Blushing?

Won: Hyung!

Jay: Yea?

Won: What happened? Are you sick?

Jungwon came closer to me and checked my forehead with his. Ok, It's a bit too close. I just turned around flustered. Why am I blushing?!

Won: Hyung, What happened?

Jay: N-Nothing, Just go to bed already. We have to kick out Sunghoon tomorrow.

Won: I don't think Sunghoon Hyung will like the sentence you just used.

Jay: That's it, I'm also your Hyung! Now, Go to bed!

Won: You're such a cutie. (Smiles)

I made a disgusted face. What's cute in me? I look like an grandpa in his last months. It's so weird to be called cute, But why did my heart flutter..?

Won: But, I think you liked it~ (smirks)

Jay: Go to bed, Wonie. (Soft tone)

To be continued~

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