Part Eleven

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Yule came and went. The four have kept a close eye on the Golden trio. The time was getting closer for them to get the stone.

It was currently Hogsmeade weekend and the castle was mostly empty. Draco had gone with their friend, while Tobias stayed back in the castle.

It was his papa's birthday, and with Tom's help, he had gotten the perfect gift. He wrapped it and hid it in his trunk. He was quite happy that his Papa's birthday fell on Hogsmeade weekend.

That way they wouldn't have to deal with many other students. Tobias made his way down the hallway to Severus's quarters and whispered the password. He knew the older man would probably still be sleeping, as he often allowed himself that pleasure on his birthday.

Tobias entered the bedroom and sure enough, there was his papa, his long black hair tanned out on the bed, and he snored softly.

He placed the gift on the bedside table and climbed onto the bed, lying on top of the other man. "Tobi?" Severus asked sleepily as he opened his eyes and looked up at the smiling preteen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAPA!!" he exclaimed, and Severus chuckled; he wrapped his arms around his son and turned on his side.

"Thanks, cub," He said, closing his eyes and going back to sleep.

"No, Papa. Don't sleep. You have to get up and open your gift," Tobias said, pulling away and bringing Severus into a sitting position.

Severus groaned and opened his eyes, "Fine, let me shower and get dressed, first. Then we can go down to the lake for lunch," Severus said, and Tobias nodded happily.

He jumped off the bed stumbling, and ran to the kitchen, he made them lunch and placed them in a basket, before getting the gift and putting it in there as well.

A few minutes later, Severus emerged fully dressed. Tobias took his hand and led him out of the dungeon.

They were almost to the door when a voice called Severus, making them look back. The Potters came towards them, and they both groaned. Severus had been avoiding them ever since the start of the school year, not wanting to deal with them.

"Severus," Lily said before looking at Tobias, "You must be Tobias, nice to meet you." She said, and Tobias raised a brow.

"Wish I could say the same," Tobias said in a voice that made Severus want to laugh, as he caught the offended look on Lily's face.

"You know you could hang out with my Liam; I am sure you will become a good friend like I and Severus was," Lily said, and the two wrinkled their noses.

"Yes, Lily we were friends, and that is something I would like to keep in the past, now if you excuse us," Severus said, taking Tobias's hand and leading him away from the woman and out of the castle, only stopping when they came to the black lake.

Severus turned the grass into a picnic blanket before sitting down. They talked and ate while enjoying each other's company. After they finished, Tobias handed him his gift.

The older man unwrapped the box and looked at the chest. Opening it, he saw two books and two jars. He took out a book and opened it.

"That's one of Salazar Slytherin's own potion books," Tobias said, and Severus looked up at him shocked. "Well, it's not the original; that's the translated version from Parseltongue," he said, and Severus leaned over and hugged him.

"Thank you," He said softly.

"You're welcome," Tobias said, casting a Tempus before standing. "You have to get ready for your date with Dad," he said. The two got up and headed back to the castle, realizing that the students had returned for Hogsmeade.

They said goodbye and Tobias went off to find Draco.


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Word count: 623

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 9:30 am

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