Chapter Seven

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My dad's heterochromia eyes look back at me. "It's okay Juniper, let me help you" He reaches his hand out and puts it on top of mine. "It's time" 

I wake up hearing my own screams, taking a deep breath I ground myself the only way I know how... 2 x 2 is 4... 3 x 3 is 9... 4 x 4 is 16... I am okay. I am safe. I am thankful for my overthinking last night. I was able to plan ahead and soundproof my room with my magic. Trying to shake everything off, I decided to take another shower. Did I take a shower yesterday morning and a bath last night? Yes. But am I going to take another one, also yes.

Shaking my head and my arms as if it was going to knock the nightmare from last night out of my mind and body, I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I'll figure out what to wear after. I look at myself in the mirror, I look different, hollow almost. I need Malcolm to hurry up and get here. I miss Basil, my familiar. When I knew things were going downhill with Jessica, I knew I needed to let Malcolm know what was happening, but at the same time I needed to keep my familiar, Basil a long-haired Siamese cat, safe. I sent him to go find Malcolm, and now that Malcolm is coming here, Basil should be as well.

As I let my thoughts wonder onto Basil, I hop into the shower and get started. Showers are not only used to clean me, but they help strengthen the water element connection I have. Having spent long enough in the shower to wash my hair and my body, I hop out and wrap myself in a towel. Heading back into the bedroom so I can get to the closet. I pick out a white dress with pink flowers on it, with bell selves too. 

After getting dressed, letting my shadows and wind element work in harmony to give me beach waves and space buns in my hair, I head out into the living space to make myself breakfast. I can hear that both men are still sleeping, so instead of making a large breakfast like yesterday, I make myself a toasted bagel and cream cheese. Once my food is done, I grab a random book off the shelf and head out to the front porch where I saw a swing day bed. I thought it would be the prefect spot to read and eat breakfast before the day begins.

So I do just that, I sit there, enjoying the peaceful sounds of nature as I eat breakfast. The sun is just starting to rise when I hear the first movement inside the house. Letting myself focused in on the book, while subconsciously knowing that Ash is up making himself something to eat. I listen as his foot steps reach closer to the the door, as he opens it. Heading over to sit next to me, he speaks for the first time this morning. "Good morning Honey. Have you been up for a while?"

I finally take my eyes of the book I was reading, Looking up at him I nod. "Yeah, for a few hours at least. Nightmares you know." I shrug nonchalantly. "I saw this swing out here yesterday, and decided to waste sometime and let you both sleep." I smile shyly up at him.

Ash gives me a soft smile, he understands exactly what I mean. I have a feeling there have been many nights where he had done the same thing after his mate passed. "Malcom should be here in a couple of hours. Have you talked to Colton once he came home last night?" I inform him. Ash nods, swallowing his bagel before speaking, "Yes, I did. He is a little on edge. This is the first Elder that he will ever met as Alpha. That and its the vampire Elder, it is adding to his stress."

I nod sadly, I get. I didn't grow up around the elders either. I just have spent a lot, and I mean a lot of time in the last five years with Malcolm. I barely know the others, seeing as I had only spent a couple of hours at most with some of them. And that was only for meetings and what not. So i understand why Colton is nervous, this is not something he has done before. "Should I walk him through what to expect before Malcolm arrives? It might help with his nerves." I ask Ash.

Ash looks off into the distant briefly, as if truly wondering if that would help Colton's nerves. "You can ask him, but don't be upset if he declines. If I was in his place, I would want as much information as I can get on how to act. But I also know that he has different ways on handling things." I hum in response. It doesn't hurt to ask I suppose.

We sit there is silence for the next hour. Only ever getting up once, Ash went to take our dishes inside, before coming back out and sitting quietly. There isn't much to discuses, I know that he probably has more questions, but I believe he realizes most things will be answered once Malcolm arrives. As the end of the hour comes, we finally hear quite footsteps and the shower turn on.

"Colton's awake, I will go make him breakfast, you continue your book." Ash states, if not mumbles. I don't response this time, He knows I heard him. So instead I sit back and do as he said, continue reading. Within ten minutes breakfast has been set on the counter and Ash has joined me back outside. Once Ash sits down, his eyes go hazy and he lets Colton know we are outside and his breakfast is done.

I should probably tell him that I can hear mind links one of theses days. As a Mythica, I am able to join any mind link I choose, it comes in handy when I enter a new pack. I sit on that idea for a moment, before deciding it can wait. 

Colton comes out of his room, grabs his breakfast and joins the two of us outside. Choosing to sit on the rocking chair instead, He speaks up. "Good morning Dad, Good morning Juniper." I look over at him as he speaks up, "Good morning son." Ash says. "Morning Colt" I reply with a smile, "How did you sleep?" I ask.

Colton gives me a small smile, "Colt huh, that's new. I like it. I slept okay, My run yesterday really helped tire me out. How bout yourself?" I give him another smile, "As good as I can, I suppose. I asked Ash if he thought you might want to know what to expect when Malcolm comes, Ash wasn't sure, so I thought I would ask anyway." I say quietly.

I watch a Colton's body tenses up slightly before relaxing once more. "Might as well. I don't know much of the Vampire Elder, As a shifter, we are more focused on the Shifter Elders." I nod in understanding, it makes perfect sense. Why would they focus more time on the Elders they weren't hardly going to be working with. The Shifter Elder will be his main contact within the Elders.

"I can tell you this much, Malcolm isn't really here you and your pack. His pure focus will be on me and my wellbeing. We will have a lot to discuss, like how to move forward. The most he is going to ask is how the pack is and how safe it is for me to be here. Though as a fair warning, He can be a little grouchy sometimes, you just got to give him a chance to get to know you and get comfortable." I try my hardest to ease his worries. "Also, he should be traveling with my familiar." I mention because I am pretty sure I forgot that part earlier.

They both gives me a strange look, and at once both try to speak. "Familiar? What is that?" Colton says. "I thought you didn't have one because it wasn't with you when you got hurt." Ash says at the same time.

I laugh at them but answer both anyway. "A familiar Colton is an animal that gives witch's a boost in power, we can also you them to transfer spells and messages long distances. I can also hear and see through them if need be, that is how I know where Malcolm is and how far away he is. When things started to go down hill, I sent him to go and find Malcolm. Which is why Malcolm kind of knows what happened that day." They both nod, I am glad that explanation made sense.

Colton opens his moth to speak, but his eyes go hazy. "Alpha, We have a visitor wanting to see you and your father on the west border. He says he is the Vampire Elder." Whom I can only assume if the beta, Colton's second in command, says to him in mind link. "Let him know that we are on the way, and should be there within a few minutes."

Colton looks back at us, "Malcolm is here, how would you like to handle this Juniper?"

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