Part Seventeen

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Tom woke up, yawned, sat up, and looked around. Realizing that he was between his two mates, he felt their hands wrapped around his waist.

He looked over at Tobias, moving his hand slowly. He ran his hand slowly, a finger over the younger man's black hair.

Tom shuffled down the bed, trying to get off the bed. He felt Draco's arm move around him and looked over at the blonde.

Pale blue eyes looked up at him. "Where are you going?" Draco asked, sitting up.

"I have to get ready for a meeting with the death eaters," Tom said, and Draco nodded.

"What time? It's still early," Draco said and looked out the window. "The sun is barely up,"

Just then, Tobias woke up and rolled over. "Is everything ok?" He asked, leaning on his elbow.

Tom stiffened for a moment and Tobias noticed but decided not to say anything. "Tom has a death eaters meeting in a few," Draco said, sliding off the bed and heading towards the bathroom.

"Tom," Tobias said, and the older man turned and looked at him. "You are afraid of me," Tobias said, and Tom's eyes widened.

", that's not it," Tom stuttered and Tobias sighed.

"Right, I know you have problems with Alphas; I can see it," Tobias said. "I won't force you to tell me, but at some point before I get to Hogwarts, we will speak," Tobias said, and Tom nodded.

"I...I, OK," Tom said, and Tobias smiled at him.

"Until then," Tobias said, "I think you should hang out with Draco to be more comfortable with me," He said and the older man looked up at him in shock.

"What?" he asked, his voice a bit shaky. "You..." Tom started but stopped as Draco came out of the bathroom.

He saw Tom's look and paused. "Are you guys okay?" he asked, and Tobias stretched out a hand to him, pulling him onto the bed and into his lap.

"I think Tom should spend more time with you from now on," Tobias said, and Draco looked confused.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Nothing, Tom is uncomfortable around Alpha's," Tobias said, and Draco looked at Tom with surprised and sad eyes. "He will be more comfortable with you for now," Tobias said, running his hand up Draco's back.

"So you won't hang out with us?" Draco asked, confused, and Tobias shook his head.

"I will, but just not as much," Tobias told him. Just then, a stomach rumbled. "I'll make breakfast," he said, placed Draco off his lap, and kissed his forehead before doing the same to Tom before leaving the room.

He went to the kitchen and took out the ingredients to make their breakfast. He knew Draco liked scrambled eggs and toast, and Tom liked bacon, grilled tomatoes, and poached eggs.

He made all their breakfast and placed them on a tray, made tea, and brought them up to the bedroom.

He went into the room to find Tom sleeping on the bed, and Draco was sitting out on the balcony. He conjured up a table and placed the trays on it.

He went over to Tom and sat on the side of the bed. "Tom," he said gently and shook his shoulder, Tom groaned and looked up.

"Come eat," Tobias said, and he went to go get Draco.


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Word count: 535

Re-published: May 2, 2024, 12:30 pm

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