Cass, Food, and making John go broke

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I wake up in the back of the car to Dean singing very off-key to some Led Zeppelin song and instantly want to unhear it.

"Good morning, Lily." Dean looks back at me.

 There was a light mist of rain glazing the windows, causing them to fog slightly. The headlights of John's car behind us stuck out in the thick, enveloping night air.

"Are we going to get food?" I ask whilst drawing a little smile with the condensation on the car window like I've done my whole life. I wipe the bit of water on my pant leg and watch the window re-fog absentmindedly.

"Yeah, there's some diner or cafe near where our motel is. Next exit." Dean doesn't look back and stares out the front windshield. He slams on the brakes causing my father to jolt awake in confusion when he sees a man in a beige trench coat standing in the middle of the road.

He walks up to the driver's side door as Dean cranks down the window. "Hello, Dean. Hello Sam, Lily."

"Cass, what are you doing here?" I ask looking behind the car and seeing that John stopped his car also.

"I'm doing... stuff," he smiles awkwardly at us but I shrug it off, it's Cass doing Cass things. "Okay bye now." he runs away like an Oompa Loompa in the night.

"What the hell was that." Dean pulls away and rolls his eyes, turning the volume up; and the radio is now playing Kashmir.

I look at my phone and see the time. 11:56 pm. Normally I sleep at 1 or 2 am, but this is different.

Dean makes the exit with John unfortunately trailing behind us, and a few minutes later, we drive past an old rundown hospital. "That's where we're checking out tomorrow." he pulls into a parking lot of some diner called "Ole Saw Mill Cafe" with cracked and uneven asphalt. Weird name for a restaurant, but okay. Food is food.

The three of us get out of the car and I realize how much I need to stretch. John pulls into a spot next to us.

"Let's go inside and eat before it gets too late." John walks towards the door and holds it for everyone but me. Rude.

We wait at the little podium to be seated, and a middle-aged woman with bags under her eyes walks up to us. "Table for four?" she has a thick southern drawl to her voice.

"Oh, um, yeah, that'll be good; thanks." my father takes the menus she handed him and we follow her to a table.

"I'll let ya'll take some time to order." she walks away.

"Sammy, how much money do you have on you?" Dean checks his wallet and has roughly $25 cash.

"I don't have much cash on me right now. I'll look." he digs in his wallet and pulls out a crumpled $10 bill.

"Don't worry boys. I'll pay for the food." John cuts in, acting like he's the top philanthropist in the world for paying for his family's dinner.

"You sure?" Dean asks raising an eyebrow and slightly poking his head above the menu.

"Yes, I'm sure." John starts to browse the menu.

The waitress comes back notepad and pencil in hand. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Three beers, and do you want anything LIl?" my father asks, temporarily setting the menu down.

"I'll just take a cup of coffee, black. Thank you." I look at the menu again.

"Those'll be right out ya'll. Let me know when you're ready to order." we slightly nod, showing our understanding.

Around two minutes later, she came back with the drinks. I wrap my hands around the smooth, white coffee mug.

"Ready to order?" she asks, southern accent twanging.

All the men order what they want, and Dean ordered a ton of food like usual, and then it was my turn. "I'll have the french toast, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, chocolate chip pancakes, fresh fruit, a cinnamon roll, and a side of mac and cheese. Add a cherry pie in there too, please. Thank you so much." I plop my menu down while John glares at me.

A/N: I've done this before and this was my exact order; at first I ordered french toast and eggs, but the waiter said "you're too small to eat all that, you sure you want to?" So added even more food and ate it all. He was speechless and then said that I'm gonna get fat if I eat like that🙄 

"Sure thing, sweetie, enjoy your food. It'll be out shortly." she smiles and walks into the kitchen, still scratching notes about the order down.

Dean looks at me, holding back laughter and a smile.

Both John and my father gave me a look saying 'Why the frickle frackle did you order so much food!?', but I honestly didn't care.

Around 15 minutes later, the waitress comes out with a tray of all the food and smiles, probably knowing that she's going to get a pretty big tip on this. "Enjoy ya'll. Give me a holla if you need anything."

I grab the small bowl of grapes, blueberries, and strawberries and a fork; eating them and still feeling hungry.

Next, I start eating the stack of 4 pancakes, not caring enough to cut them and just rolling them up and eating them burrito-style.

After that, I ate the hashbrowns which were perfectly crispy and salted, then ate the mac and cheese which was a bit soupy for some reason but it was still super good.

Next, I eat the scrambled eggs and the French toast, both super good. The french toast had some powdered sugar on it and I didn't want to get it on my face and make it look like I was a cocaine addict.

Lastly, I eat the cinnamon roll by cutting it with my fork and knife, not wanting to get the cream cheese icing or whatever on myself.

Dean eyes my pie. "You gonna eat that pie?"

"Yes." I move the pie slightly away from him.

"All of it?" he leans closer to the pie.

"If you want some, you can hand the crust." I shrug, knowing that he won't care, even though nobody likes plain pie crust.

"Okay, fine. Better than no pie." now he shrugs.

I start eating my pie, while John watches distastefully. "Want some pie, Johnny?" I smile and point to the discarded pie crust.

"No." he shoves the plate even further away from him and scowls.

"Dad, you okay? You've been super quiet." I just now notice his silence and overall withdrawn expression.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just thinking about that day 15 years ago today." his face remains fallen and hurt

"Oh...." my face falls now, and I set my fork down. Dean being Dean, he snatched the pie but I didn't care. The night kept playing over and over in my head, faster and faster. Overwhelming me. The man. I remember him, but not his face. He cut himself over me and his blood went in my mouth. My whole body tensed up thinking of him. 

I was too zoned out to know what was going on around me. Dishes crashed everywhere, lights shattered and the restaurant went pitch black. Wait staff screaming, running out of the restaurant.

I knew what was happening but I was suppressing it all, not wanting any treatment based on my demon blood. This telekinesis is even stronger than my father's. I had so many questions ricocheting around in my head and I couldn't think of one to focus on except 'why'?

Why me? Why me? Why, me?

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