20 | Break Out

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Servant was very weird and overall unsettling in a way that reminded Hinata of his brother. "I bet Izuru, my twin, would like you," He said.

"Oh? Why?" Servant was sitting cross-legged right in front of Hinata, staring up at him.

"He's a li'l weird and twisted,"

"I love weird and twisted!" Servant smiled.

In the grand scheme of things, this guy made for pretty entertaining company at least, even if he was strange.

"Should I tell you a bit about myself while we wait for a solution to appear?" He asked.

Hinata nodded. "Sure,"

"So, I was made by mistress Genshi so she would have a version of her son she could push around without getting revenge from master Haruto," he explained. "She let's the others do whatever they want to me. They hit me, yell at me, push me, throw me out of the tower. She often lets the angel children punish me too. They throw cake at me, make me drink gross milkshakes, tie me up and beat me,"

"Damn. You gotta stop letting yourself be a punching bag," Hinata told him.

"It's quite alright. I do not mind pain,"

Hinata raised an eyebrow as the servant stood up. "Let's check this out." He said, grabbing one of the chains that was holding Hinata back. "Any weak points..? Any cracks, maybe?" He muttered. "These chains are in perfect condition, I'm sorry,"

"What about your chain?" Hinata asked, grabbing the one that was hanging from the other man's neck. Servant cried out in pain and fell to his knees. "I-I- ple-please let go..." he begged, gasping for air.

"Uh, sorry about that. What happened?"

"When someone grabs the chain, the collar tightens around my neck and chokes me,"

"Dude, that woman is insane! She's completely out of her mind!" He began ripping at his chains again, angry. "They just won't break! Shit... Servant, can you do me a favor?"

"Again? I'm really living up to my name, aren't I?" He chuckled. "But sure, master Hinata, how can I serve you?"

"Look for Komaeda and tell when when you found him,"

"Alright. I can't promise my search will be successful though,"

"Don't worry about it. Just do your best, okay?"

"You can count on me! They don't call me the worst, most useless servant in the whole underworld for nothing!" He smiled brightly and skipped off.

He opened the door to the dungeon and walked down the hall, looking at the cells.

The people who were locked in here were all horrible, horrible people that had died. Their punishment was staying in this dungeon for eternity, not ever leaving, not ever eating, nothing. Just extreme boredom that would drive anyone insane eventually.

He heard some prisoners arguing, some banging their heads against the wall and some just screaming their lungs out.

He walked past a certain man who had died in the 1300s. The man grabbed servant's chain and pulled him as close as he could through the prison bars.

"Gh-gha! L-let go!" He shrieked as the collar tightened.

"Komaeda!" The man exclaimed, touching his face.

"N-no, I- ha, let go! I c-can't breathe!" He begged.

"Little God, why did you leave me?!" His eyes were swirling and there was a bright grin on his face.

"I-I didn't! Hah... mngh..." he fell to his knees.

The man grabbed his wrists and servant took a deep breath, finally being able to again.

"Oh, my love... I missed you so much." He smiled.

"I'm not Komaeda! I'm servant!" He shouted. He tried to break free from his hands, but the ex-samurai was very strong.

"Let go of him!" A voice shouted. Servant looked to the side to see Komaeda's head peeking through the bars. His voice was shaking, but he did his best to keep a stern face. "He's not me!"

"Komaeda!" Hayate shouted, letting go of servant, who quickly ran to his cell to try to unlock it.

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