Another Dose of Grace.

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Summary: While Leon and Chris are in bed and getting some sleep, a sudden call wakes Leon in the middle of the night. When he answers, it isn’t what he is expecting, and the two men are ready to rescue their loving friend. 

Warning: Swearing, Domestic Abuse, Hurt/Comfort

1:48am, Leon’s phone began to ring.

It wasn’t uncommon for Leon to get random calls in the middle of the night, usually from Ingrid to tell him that he had a mission and he needed to get to the DSO as soon as possible, but when Leon glanced at the caller ID and your name was on the screen, Leon’s body tensed.

It wasn’t like you to call him.

Normally, you hated talking on the phone. Leon hadn’t ever questioned it; people have their vices after all, but you usually made it adamant to never call you unless it was an emergency.

So why were you calling him at almost 2 in the morning?

Leon immediately answered, trying to talk low as to not wake up Chris, who was snoring quite powerfully next to him.



Leon immediately sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he listened to the fear that laced your voice and the sniffling that echoed through the phone.

“What’s going on? Are you okay?”

Glass shattering and your yelp had his heart racing, and you cried to him down the phone, sounding as though you had been crying for a while; voice hoarse and breathing heavily labored.

“Leon, please come pick me up.”

Leon maneuvered his phone so he could speak as he stood up, grabbing some sweatpants from his dresser as Chris began to stir from the coldness that had entered the bed.

“I’m getting dressed. What’s happening, sweetheart? Talk to me.”

“I…I don’t know what happened. Everything was fine and then he just snapped. He won’t stop throwing and destroying shit. I’m scared.”

You coughed into the phone, sniffling, and Leon slipped on some sneakers. There was yelling in the background, and you whimpered softly, crying into the microphone of the phone.

“I’m so tired of this…so tired of this always happening. I feel like I’m stuck in a loop…it never gets better.”

Leon cooed softly as he picked up his keys, the jingling awakening Chris as the man’s eyes slowly fluttered open and grimaced at Leon as the man slipped on a coat.

“Hey, don’t say that, okay? Everything’s going to be okay. I’ve got my coat and I’m about to get in the car. Stay on the phone with me, okay?”


Leon glanced back at Chris as the man sat up, rubbing his face and giving the man a tired expression as he noticed Leon was dressed to leave.

“Where are you going?”

Leon answered, seeming mentally distracted as he slipped a gun clipped into a holster on his hip

“(Y/n) called. I’m going to pick them up.”

Chris’s eyes slowly awakened, a tense feeling running down his spine as he noticed Leon was still on the phone with you and the worried expression that was on Leon’s face.

“What happened?”

Leon winced from a sound that came from the phone, sounding like a wail even from where Chris was lying, and the burly man stood up, slipping on some sandals wordlessly. Leon looked slightly confused before Chris plucked the keys from Leon’s hand, murmuring.

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