Chapter 7

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As the other angels began to collect the remains of their fallen comrades, Mila turned her attention back to the computers they had just hacked. The data they had uncovered was invaluable; it would give them a better understanding of the archdemon's plans and help them to prepare for future battles. But for now, she allowed herself a moment of rest, sitting down on the floor and leaning against the fallen archdemon's throne. The weight of the battle had been lifted from her shoulders, if only for a little while.

The laboratory was eerily quiet now, devoid of the shrieks of the tortured creatures and the demonic laughter that had once filled the air. The only sound was the gentle rustle of the angels' wings as they moved about, their presence a comforting balm to Mila's weary soul. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths as she tried to steady her racing heart. It was then that she realized that she was no longer alone. A small, curious figure had approached her, its delicate wings fluttering softly in the air.

It was a cherub, one of the youngest and most innocent of the angels. Its features were soft and round, its wings a vibrant shade of blue that seemed to glow in the dim light. It looked up at Mila with big, trusting eyes, its lips quivering as if it wanted to speak. Mila smiled down at the cherub, her heart warming at the sight. "Yes, cherub?" she asked gently. "What is it you wish to say?"

The cherub hesitated for a moment, then mustered its courage. "Thank you, Mila," it said softly. "

The archdemon's laboratory was in ruins, its once pristine walls now stained with blood and gore. The air was thick with the smell of burning flesh and ozone, the aftermath of the intense battle that had just taken place. The fallen archdemon, reduced to a quivering mass on the floor, stirred slightly as it began to regenerate its twisted demon essence. The other angels stood watchful guard, their wings fluttering in the air conditioning, as they surveyed the damage done to the laboratory.

Mila knelt down beside the cherub, her golden wings casting a warm glow over the small creature. "You're welcome, cherub. It was an honor to fight alongside you today." She reached out and gently stroked the cherub's soft blue hair. "We are all grateful for your bravery and your sacrifice."

The cherub beamed up at her, its heart swelling with pride and gratitude. "Thank you, Mila," it whispered. "I will always be here to help you and the other angels in any way I can."

As they spoke, one of the elder angels approached them, his wings rustling softly in the air. "Mila, I must commend you on your leadership today," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "Your quick thinking and courage in the face of such adversity saved countless lives." The elder angel's gaze fell upon the cherub, and a warm smile crept across his ancient face. "And you, cherub, your selflessness is an inspiration to us all."

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