Chapter 4: Time for Kung Fu!

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"In the preceding chapters...

"I'll finish what Harley Blade started!" declared the Rat Devil, his voice low and hoarse, raising his paw high with majesty. The audience erupted in fervent support. "We will find our glory and show everyone our power!" With each word, the crowd grew increasingly raucous. "No one is going to stop us!"

In a different scene...

"Good job, dear," remarked the shadowy figure of Le Papillon, his tone cold and detached, his presence distinct from that of the akumatized villain. He addressed the girl with short black hair and glasses.

"Do I truly have a role to play in this world?" Marinette's voice echoed with uncertainty as she pondered aloud. "Regardless, I must confront the truth."

"I have faith in you, Ladybug and Chat Noir. May your powers prove sufficient to save the world..." Another scene unfolded with the voice of Wang-Fu, his eyes scanning the pages of the ancient tome "Grimore." As he turned the page, a peculiar image emerged: a large, white creature with three eyes.


Marinette lay peacefully in her bedroom, wrapped in slumber, her messy black hair tousled as she snored softly. Nearby, Tikki dozed contentedly. Suddenly, the red alarm clock blared, disrupting the tranquility of the room. Marinette groaned, burying her head deeper into her purple blanket, attempting to silence the intrusive sound. In her half-awake state, she accidentally nudged Tikki off the bed. With a frustrated sigh, she finally reached over and silenced the alarm with a swift hand.

"Ugh... mornings..." Marinette grumbled, reluctantly rising from her bed.

"Tikki, wake up!" she called to the kwami.

"Is it that time already?" Tikki murmured, floating up from the floor.

"Yes. Let's head to the bathroom," Marinette replied, making her way downstairs with Tikki in tow.

After returning to her room, Marinette changed into capri jeans and a white shirt with a crisp collar, adjusting her short dark jacket. Standing by the mirror in her brown moccasins, she expertly styled her hair into long ponytails.

"It's not the first time I've wondered..." Marinette began, turning to Tikki. "Were there previous holders of the Ladybug miraculous before me?"

"Of course!" Tikki exclaimed excitedly, flipping in the air with a smile.

"Who were all of these people?" Marinette inquired, glancing at Tikki.

"Oh, there were many," Tikki replied. "Piáo chóng 瓢蟲, La Déesse Coccinelle, Jeanne d'Arc, and others! There was also a holder named Zhànshì Yùnqì 戰士 運氣. She came before you."

"Wow, that's so interesting! I wish I could meet all of them!" Marinette exclaimed, finishing her hairstyle and smiling at Tikki.

As Marinette descended the stairs to the kitchen, Tikki flew after her and quickly nestled into Marinette's pocket. Marinette opened the kitchen door to find her father, Tom.

"You look so stylish today! Did you get new jeans?" Tom questioned with a smile.

"Yes, yesterday Alya and I went shopping! I bought a lot!" Marinette replied with excitement as she sat down at the table. She wanted to talk more about her shopping trip with Alya, but her mother interrupted.

"Enjoy your Tofu pudding 豆花, Qīn'ài de nǚ'ér 親愛的女兒 (dear daughter)," Sabine said with a smile as she placed breakfast in a black bowl with a spoon.

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