Freedom smells like a Fireplace

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it started this night

near the fireplace in your house
that becomes now slowly a home for my whole self
freedom's home.

i learnt there
by your side
that it was possible to be free.
but how ?

by being myself :
cute (if i listen to your sayings)
but also

different, myself
that's the whole point

but in a good way

because it is funny to be
because it makes me more unique
because it changes everything

because it's me.

but i can be rude (as they say) too
with this "fuck" word
i say :

fuck bad things
fuck people
fuck life

simple word, strong meaning
long breath for my heart
ready to start something new
ready to brave the whole world

i'm fucking amazing
i'm fucking courageous
i'm fucking enough

i can do it
you can do it love
and we all can do it
because we're fucking powerful

liberating rudeness.

let's say all the things
all the ones we have hidden in our heart
let's say fuck when we need to
let's say so fucking good "i love you"s to people we love
let's realize everything we want
because i deserve it
you deserve it
we all deserve it

let's live the life we dream for
let's stop listening to their "you can't"s

that's bullshit
i can do everything i want
because i'm me
i'm free
and that's enough


that's what i felt this night
for the first time in my life
i felt free
because you were there
near me
in front of the fireplace


that's also what i felt this night
my heart was burning
in a calm fire
it wasn't a fire that destroyed everything
around itself
it was a warm

it illuminated my heart and soul
it caressed the chains
that surrounded me
before helping me
to find the key

are love and freedom linked ?

dear love
you allowed me to escape
and little by little
i opened and open
my wings to fly

free in the air.

you sent me some ligns that said
"she was beautiful,
but not like those girls in magazines.
she was beautiful like my favourite poem,
my favourite song.
she was beautiful like the moon covered with clouds"
and maybe it seems to be nothing
but here again
i felt free

free because i felt
reading it
transported into the sky
into these light clouds
surrounded by a fresh wind
your arms

and i felt again
your little kisses
your hand
lying on my belly

i felt the free future
our future


i am free to dream.

dream about this child
about this liberty
about you and me being together
for the rest of our life

dream about that day
when we will finally dance
hand into hand
on the rhythm of this magnificent song
"the night we met"

I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met
And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do
And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Oh, take me back to the night we met
When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met
I had all and then most of you
Some and now none of you
Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Take me back to the night we met

take me back to the night we met
still the same night
the one when we learnt to know
each other
more than ever
sitting on the ground
in front of the fireplace which warmed us

for some hours we stayed here
listening to some songs
a strange mix between nostalgia
and discovery
that night
the night we met for real
was the beginning of everything

how is a 16 year-old boy capable to change my life that much ?
for the best

you appeared in my way
you chased my nightmares
you lit up my world
with a soft light and a pure beauty of soul
reminding me of the moon

i am a ghost
who finally found their moon

that's my symbol
one of the things that make me believe in freedom
because space can accommodate
all my fears
all my questions
all my particularities
and space is a big enough for me to be myself
to experiment everything i want to
to discover and try new things
space is reassuring enough for me to dare

freedom is daring

freedom is trying, discovering

freedom is accepting

freedom is loving

freedom is being me
with you and my friends
to calm my fears
to support me
to show me how amazing, enough, passionate, i am
when i can't see it

freedom is having you everyday
by my side

freedom is imagining in your arms
our future
knowing that anyway everything will be perfect
as long as i am with you

freedom is everywhere
but in my past
and my past stayed before this night

so freedom is here
freedom is all around me
freedom is in the little things

freedom feels sweet like your touch

freedom is beautiful like the moon
like the stars that separate me from this precious friend
but also like the angels that joined the sky to watch over me

freedom tastes like hot chocolate that i drink every morning
like pizza nights that we spent watching harry potter

freedom sounds like the melody of our two hearts united

freedom was
and will always smell like
a fireplace

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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