Alex's rut

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Weeks bled into months, the crisp autumn air settling over the woods. You and Elias had seamlessly integrated into the pack life. Elias proved to be a valuable asset, his human skills complementing the pack's strengths. You, in turn, thrived in this unexpected haven. Wren became your mentor, teaching you the intricacies of herbs and healing, while Elijah patiently honed your self-defense skills.

One crisp evening, as the pack gathered around a crackling fire, a shift in the atmosphere sent shivers down your spine. Alex, usually boisterous and playful, had become withdrawn, his red eyes flickering with a restless energy. He snapped at Wren for a minor infraction, his voice gruff and laced with an unfamiliar tension.

Wren, ever perceptive, gave you a knowing look. "It seems the Alpha's rut is upon us," she murmured, her voice low.

You furrowed your brow, the term unfamiliar. Elias, catching your confusion, leaned in and explained in hushed tones. He described the rut, the werewolf equivalent of a heat cycle, a time of heightened aggression and primal urges.

Understanding dawned on you, a wave of apprehension washing over you. You had seen glimpses of Alex's strength and ferocity, but the thought of him experiencing an uncontrollable shift filled you with unease.

As the night deepened, Alex's restlessness grew. He paced around the cabin, a caged animal yearning for freedom. The other pack members kept their distance, their movements quiet and respectful.

You stole a glance at Alex, his powerful form taut with tension. His gaze met yours for a fleeting moment, a flicker of something raw and primal in his red eyes. Then, abruptly, he turned and stormed out of the cabin.

Wren placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, Scarlet," she said gently. "Alphas have a strong sense of control. He'll find a secluded spot to ride it out."

You nodded, but the knot of worry in your stomach refused to loosen. You cared for Alex, deeply, and the thought of him struggling with this primal urge filled you with a strange mixture of concern and... something else. An unfamiliar possessiveness tugged at your heart.

The night passed without further incident, but the silence left by Alex's absence hung heavy in the air. The next morning, Wren informed you that Alex had chosen a remote location deep within the woods to weather his rut.

The days that followed were long and filled with an unsettling quiet. You missed Alex's gruff humor, his playful teasing, and even his occasional possessiveness. The pack, sensing your low mood, did their best to cheer you up, but a shadow of worry lingered in their eyes.

One evening, as you sat by the fire with Elias, a low howl echoed through the woods. It was a mournful sound, filled with a primal longing that sent shivers down your spine. Elias tensed beside you. "That's him," he said, his voice gruff.

The howl was followed by a heavy silence, then another howl, closer this time. Your heart pounded in your chest, a mixture of fear and something else, something you couldn't quite define.

Suddenly, the cabin door burst open, and Alex stood there, his eyes glowing a fiery red, his breath ragged. He was transformed, his body larger, more primal, the embodiment of a powerful werewolf Alpha in the throes of his rut.

A low growl ripped from his throat, a sound that vibrated through your very bones. For a heart-stopping moment, you froze, every instinct screaming at you to run. But your feet remained rooted to the spot, your gaze locked with Alex's.

Then, as quickly as it started, the ferocious snarl softened. His red eyes, still glowing brightly, seemed to focus on you. A flicker of recognition, of something akin to longing, passed through them. He took a hesitant step towards you, the power radiating from his form both terrifying and strangely alluring.

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