Morning Star

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Angel Dust sat Sky's feet down at the entrance. "Alright we're here toot's." Sky looked up at the hotel, she had only heard the rumor of it being a place to get redeemed; frankly the idea of her redemption had never crossed her mind. " What if..they don't like me? Am I gonna get you kick out?' Angel laughed " Nah, Charlie ain't gonna kick anyone out and Vaggie might be rude but she does what Charlie wants."

They made their way inside. It was late so the lobby was empty minus a cat demon tending the bar. " Hey Husk, make us some drink would ya, the kid here has had a rough night." Husk rolled his eyes but turned around and made angel a drink before turning to Sky. " What'll it be?" Sky was still floating on her high " OoOh ah, whiskey I guess." Husk turned around, grabbing a bottle and glass and began pouring it into a small whiskey glass. As he fished she stopped his hand pulling the bottle, " Just...leave it....I'm gonna it." Sky requested.

 " Wow, we really did have a fucked up night didn't we?" Husk asked sarcastically prodding.  Angel stopped him, " Leave her alone Husk, the Cocksucker who got her down here now works at the studio." Angel took a sip of his glass. Husks ears went down, "Oh..I'm sorry, was he...your.." Before Husk could finish Sky jumped in. " He was an abusive asshole superior who assaulted me and exploited my job to use me as a drug dealer for the unit while I was also becoming an addict myself to cope with the trauma of war." She said it so matter of fact it took both Angel and Husk back. " are you ok? when you say abusive?" Husk asked. Sky slammed her drink before pouring another. "Well, do you have any idea how Val is to Angel here?" Sky questioned. " Uh, Yeah, its pretty bad" Husk didn't like where that was going. " Well he's like that, but worse, so so much worse." Husk frowd a little, unable the find the right words. " You're safe at least for tonight Toots, I'll have Charlie pull in a roll away to my room."  Sky noddly silently throwing back another drink. Angel got up to get started on her sleeping arrangement. 

The silence grew between the acquaintances. " Ya know, you can always bitch to the bartender, everyone always does." Husk tried to lighten the situation. " It's ok, you don't have to take on my shit" Sky sipped her glass staring off into a space somewhere behind the bar, not making eye contact. " you know kid, you won't find the answer-." She finished his sentence " -at the bottom of a bottle? or in blaze of high? yeah I know I've heard it, Hell I've said it, but I'm pretty sure this is lower than rock bottom. He's going take every chance he can to fuck with me and make my life a living hell." Husk wiped down the bar watching her pound another, " Okay, if you say so." 

Angel came down and she finished off the bottle. " Ok doll, this way." Sky got up from her set and almost fell straight on her face, catching herself on the bar. Angel rolled his eyes with a smile. " I got ya, Thanks for looking after her Husk....Listen could you not tell everyone else she's here? I don't wanna make a bit deal outta this." Husk shrugged and rolled his eyes, " Ok but you know if Alastor finds out, the entire damn hotel is gonna know." Angel turned away helping Sky back to his room. 

They got to the room and Angel open the door and helped her into the bed. "No, No!" Sky immediately started to fight back and object out of habit. " Whoa calm down toots, it's not like that, I'm just helping you get some sleep, nothings gonna happen while you're here." She still shuttered as he tried to rub her back.  He felt bad  looking at the long red lashes poking out from the top of her tank top. She quickly fell into a deep sleep as he watched her. " ha would you look at that." Angel got into his bed turned over and fell asleep himself, his last thoughts wondering to not knowing what to expect tomorrow with this new guy on set. 

Sky woke up at 4 am, she was screaming and in a cold sweat. It jolted Angel Dust awake, he fell out of his bed " What?!, What is happening?!" He grabbed his gun scanning the room. No one was there; Sky tried to catch her breath, she calmed down a little and looked over at Angel seeing him in a complete panic. " Shit...I'm sorry Angel, this was a bad idea..." Sky hung her head. " its ok..." He slowly got a hold of his breathing " shit you gave me a heart attack, what the fuck were you dreaming of?" Sky looked out the window " Nothing good..."

A moment later Charlie and Vaggie came crashing in the room, Vaggie had her spear at the ready.  " WHAT IS GOING ON?!" they both scanned the room to see Sky sitting in bed and Angel standing in the corner. In a matter of minutes the entire hotel was in the doorway. Sky felt incredibly self conscious. " I'm sorry everyone...night terror, My bad." As everyone started to clear out. Charlie stayed behind. " Are you ok?" She reached out to Sky, only to have Sky close in on herself. " Yeah I'm fine, just needed to stay the night, I'll be gone tomorrow and out of your guys hair, sorry for the trouble." She stayed cold and distant. Charlie tried again " You could always stay here, until you got better, work toward redemption? yeah?"  Sky just pulled herself more closed, " Its ok, I'm sorry for the trouble, I can't stay, I really can't." Angel flashed Charlie a half hearted smile. As sad as it made her Charlie left Vaggie greeting her in the door to comfort her all the way back to bed. 

"Feeew, Sorry Angel, I really didn't mean to start so much trouble" Sky looked up at him. " You're fine, Sky just get some sleep."  Out of the shadows of the ground a shadow manifested on the wall before a red demon with ears stood tall over her. " My, my, you did certainly cause a stir, but what for?" he seemed to circle around her, Sky tried to follow him but he kept jumping around; " I was was a nightmare." Angel tried to put a stop to it. " Leave her alone Alastor, she's had enough." The radio demon looked deeply into her, it made Sky feel uncomfortable. His eyes flickering dials back and forth, "Interesting, tell Vox, Alastor sends his regards" His smile got big as he laughed maniacally and disappeared into the ground. Sky looked over at Angel, He just shrugged " No idea what's the deal with my creepy smiles, he's just like that, Come-on let get you back to bed." With those words of comfort from him Sky laid back down and the two fell back asleep.

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