Grandma, how'd you get that scar?

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"Honestly, I don't even why people get so hyped up about Twilight, it's a shit series and it makes no sense", I'm chatting with Missy and Harper, a white claw in my hand when the crowd starts to quiet down

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"Honestly, I don't even why people get so hyped up about Twilight, it's a shit series and it makes no sense", I'm chatting with Missy and Harper, a white claw in my hand when the crowd starts to quiet down. I turned my head at the voices that were coming up the hill, Amerie.

"I feel like everyone is staring at me. Um...." She trails off looking at the group of people, her posture shrinking.

"It's 'cause we are!" I yell, downing the rest of my drink.


"I've seen loads of vaginas. Thanks." Spider deadpans looking in between Quinni and the folder that was in his hands containing pictures of vaginas, "Especially hers" he points to me and quickly ducks as I throw my empty can at his head.

"Okay," Quinni looked between me and him before putting her soul focus on the blond boy, "I just assumed, on account of the fact that you were lying about seeing mine, that you were lying about seeing others too." The people around us laugh at him after hearing her comeback, I couldn't help but laugh too, covering my mouth before a noise slips out.

"Look, of course, we didn't have sex. Why would I root a fucknut like you?" Spider sneers at the redhead in front of him. I frown at him, even though me and Quinni didn't talk 24/7 she was still my friend and I didn't like the way he spoke to her like that.

"Not cool Spider," I mutter to the boy in front of me.

"Sorry Gem"


I see Amerie walk off with Harper deeper into the graveyard so I do what anyone else would do, I trail after them.

"-ruined my life," Harper says, her voice raising an octave.

"Look at this, three musketeers back together," I hum interrupting the white girl, "You ruined both of our lives Wadia, the map, and your stupid crush on Dusty;" I huff as I sit down on a tall grave "Do you not understand how important it all is?"

Harper crosses her arms over her chest, "You're a child"

"That's not a reason to dump me!" Amerie screeches, "What's happened to you? Harper. I just want to move on." she cries desperately.

"And I don't want you in my life anymore" Harper shuts her down coldly.

"Face it Wadia, you no longer have your crown and you have no more servants to pick up your shit," I snap, "Grow up and find friends that will carry around your sad sack of a personality" I turn away from her, harper and I make our way up the hill, back to the party. Harper. That's who she called out, It's always been the two.


I'm dancing with Missy when I see the blue and red lights coming up the hill, "Cops!" I hurriedly turn back to the others, "Cops coming up the hill, grab your shit!" I help clean up before bolting into the woods

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I'm dancing with Missy when I see the blue and red lights coming up the hill, "Cops!" I hurriedly turn back to the others, "Cops coming up the hill, grab your shit!" I help clean up before bolting into the woods.

I'm sprinting through the forest, branches whipping at my face and legs as I desperately try to escape the pursuing police officer. I can hear his heavy footsteps crashing through the underbrush behind me, growing closer with every second. I weave between the trees, trying to lose him in the dense foliage, but it's no use. He's too experienced and determined to let me get away.

"Shit" I curse.

I come to a clearing and spot a small stream meandering through it. The water is crystal clear and inviting, but I know if you stop to rest, the cop will catch me for sure. So, I continue to run, following the stream as it winds deeper into the woods. As I run, I reach down and grab a handful of smooth river stones, clutching them in my sweaty palm for luck.

The forest floor begins to slope upward, and I realize I'm climbing a hill. My legs burn with the effort, but I force myself to keep going. I reach the top and find myself at the base of a large, ancient oak tree. Its gnarled branches stretch out like the grasping fingers of a giant, offering a possible escape route. So I climb up as quickly and quietly as I can, using the stones I'm holding to steady myself as I scale the rough bark.

I make it to the top of the tree and peer down through the leaves, watching the cop frantically search the area below. I breathe a sigh of relief as I realize I've lost him for now. As I sit there, perched in the branches, I wonder how long it will be until I can safely come down. For now, at least, I'm safe.

It's about ten minutes later when I get a text from Spider in the group chat to regroup at Dusty's house. So that's what I do, I clean up some of the blood on my arms climb back down the tree, and creep my way through the forest, eyes peeled for the police officer.


"Bloody prick chased me through the woods," I flinch as Ant cleans a decently big gash on my thigh.

"Surprised he didn't catch you Gem, slow ass bitch" Spider grins from on the other side of the counter, I throw a half-frozen ice pack at his face in retort.

"He was on my ass and I almost lost my shoes!" I laugh, chugging down a pineapple-flavored monster, "I had to climb a tree to get away from him, I hope it scars so I can tell my grandkids about it one day-"

"Grandma, how'd you get that scar?" Dusty attempted to sound like a child but it sounded more like a pre-teen that started puberty, voice cracks and all. Spider jumps on his back making the boy stumble forward a bit before sitting them both back down.

I lean forward dramatically, "Well kids gather around" I wave my arm around dramatically, "It was a dark and stormy night..."

.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .

I spot a group of friends dancing nearby, laughing and singing along to the song. I weave my way through the crowd, making my way towards them. As I get closer, I realize one of them is a guy I've seen around the festival, but never really spoken to. His name's Jason, I think. He's got a mischievous glint in his eye and a smile that could light up the sky.

I muster up the courage to approach him and offer a friendly smile. "Hey, Jason! You enjoy the music?" I shout over the music, trying to be heard. He nods, a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, this set's amazing!" he shouts back. I nod in agreement, feeling a little less nervous now.

We chat for a while, talking about our favorite artists and the experience of being at the festival. He's so easy to talk to and seems genuinely interested in what I have to say. Before I know it, hours have passed and the sun is starting to set. The festival lights begin to flicker on, casting a warm, ethereal glow over everything.

"Hey, Amethyst," Jason says, turning to me. "I'm gonna grab some food. You want to join me?" He extends a hand, his green eyes sparkling. I hesitate for a moment, feeling a flutter in my stomach. This is my first festival experience, and I've met some great people, but Jason... there's something special about him. I take a deep breath and nod, feeling a thrill of excitement run through me.

He hands me a drink and I take a sip, the cool liquid washing away the last of my nervousness. As we made our way through the crowd, I was getting dizzier, I think it might have been something in the drink. I don't mind it though chalking it up to the pill I took earlier. I can feel Jason's arm brush against mine as we walk, sending shivers down my spine.

.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .

End of episode 1

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