I finally saw the gates of the Leaf village, smiling brightly I walked to reach the gate to enter.

As I entered, l I could think about was how everyone has changed since I left. Yes, I left when I was 17 years old with my father though he wanted me to stay I refused since I was very attached to my father.

Breathing in I opened the door to my new home, it was already set up for me which was sweet. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder making me turn around to see no one else but the dramatic Might Guy.

Guy: Y/N! He said, while crying as he hugged you. I've missed you so.

Y/n: G...Guy, your squeezing to hard.

Guy: Ah, sorry. Well, we'll, look at you all grown up.

Y/n: What is that supposed to mean?

Guy: The last time I saw you, you were wearing two long braids and just looked different. But change is good, you look nice. He said, smiling that idiotic smile, as he held his thumb up.

Having a sweatdrop face, you shook it off and just tapped his shoulder.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah. What about we get some lunch?

Guy: It would be my honour to treat little princess.

Falling over you yelled, at the nickname he called you. You haven't heard that name since you we're young. Your father called you princess, and one day when you were out picking flowers in the fields Kakashi started calling you little princess since you made him a crown out of flowers.

Y/n: Ahh...w...where did you hear that nickname?

Guy: Kakashi. Iruka said, you'll be coming back to the village and told us both. After we heard that he said, oh the little princess is coming.

Y/n: Um...i-

Guy: Why did he call you that?

Y/n: Well, since my dad calls me princess that was a factor. One day in the training ground field, I sat under the tree watching Minato sensei training the rest of the team members when Kakashi walked over to me bring me some lunch. I was making an extra flower crown that I wanted to give to my dad...but instead I gave it to Kakashi. I said, looking down at my hands.

Guy: Ooh...so that's why he calls you little princess.

Y/n: Y...yes. L-

Iruka: Y/N! Iruka yelled, as he ran over towards you and Guy with a huge closed eyed smile plastered on his face.

Smiling you ran the rest of the way and wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a tight hug.

Iruka: I've missed you so much. Ha...ha...ha, boy have you changed. You look good. He said, patting your head.

Y/n: Of course, I'm stronger and much faster.

Kakashi: Good to know.

You froze, as you heard Kakashi's voice. Swallowing, you turned around smiling brightly at the silver haired ninja infront of you.

Y/n: H...Hello, Kakashi. You said, as you tugged hair behind your ears. It's good to see you again.

Kakashi: I'm glad Jiraiya taught you so well. He said stepping closer, placing his arm around your shoulder and whispering in your ear. Little princess.

This made you stiff, little princess? You haven't heard that since you left the village. Biting your lip, you nodded your head and prayed that anyone else would come and greet you.
Just then Kurenai and Asuma arrived, and you were so grateful. Running over to them your grabbed them both in a group hug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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