Two Sides

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In the mirror, I see two sides of me

One yearning for acceptance, the other wild and free

One wants to blend in, to be just the same

The other longs to stand out, to embrace the flame

I walk a tightrope between conformity and uniqueness

A dance of shadows, a battle of bleakness

I smile on the outside, but inside I'm torn

Between the me I am and the me I mourn

The darkness whispers, sweet promises of peace

To end the pain, to find a release

But deep down, a glimmer of hope still flickers

A yearning to survive, to paint the world with colors

I'm trapped in a maze of doubt and despair

Where the walls echo with my silent prayer

To be accepted, to be loved for who I am

To find the strength to rise above the dam

I long to break free from this cycle of sorrow

To find a way out of this endless morrow

But for now, I'm lost in the depths of my mind

Struggling to find the light, to leave the darkness behind

In this battle between conformity and self

I cling to the hope that one day, I'll find myself

In a world where I can be both different and true

And embrace the pain, knowing I'll make it through.

But if I dont. If I fail.

I know I will go over the rail

Into eternal darkness I seek 

Why do I feel empty and bleak?

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