- On Death's Door (Ateez) -

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Original Author : YourOddinaryEnby (IllyAxolotl)

Contains : Suicide Attempt, graphic descriptions of overdose symptoms and seizures. ( Don't read if you feel uncomfortable )

Wooyoung stared at the now empty pill bottle.

For the first time this entire day, he feels something.


"Get off Wooyoung!" Jongho snaps, harshly shoving the boy in question. Wooyoung hid the floor with a thud, landing hard on the side of his hip.

He had just been trying to give Jongho a hug, but clearly Jongho was in no mood for one.

He looked at Seonghwa and Hongjoong. Usually when he snapped like that, he would get a lecture for an hour. However, Seonghwa didn't even look at Wooyoung's direction.

"Hyung, aren't you gonna be mad at him? He pushed me!"

"Well, Jongho did say he didn't want a hug, and you gave him one anyways. You kinda deserved it." Seonghwa left the practice room with that, Jongho following after. The rest of Ateez simply stood around, until Yunho pulled Wooyoung up.

"I'm sure he'll apologize later but now isn't the time to play around, Woo. We have to learn the choreo for the next comeback."

Wooyoung ducked his head, nodding as he got into position.

The rest of practice passed quickly. As they left, Wooyoung attempted to wrap himself around Mingi. But he just shook Wooyoung off.


"Sorry Wooyoung! I feel kinda sick, I don't wanna spread it!" Mingi quickly explained, which made Wooyoung feel a little better.

At home, he tried to cuddle Seonghwa on the couch. Seonghwa, who would usually hold Wooyoung close, got up to avoid him.

What was he doing wrong? He resigned himself to just remaining on the couch, not trying to interact with any of the others until dinner, where San began complaining when Wooyoung sat next to him.

"You're gonna try to hug me, I don't want you to sit here!"

Wooyoung moved to the island instead of the kitchen table. The rest of his members were happier after that, chatting and laughing so loud that Wooyoung almost couldn't hear his heart break. He picked at his food, not hungry anymore.

Hongjoong was the last to finish from the table. The others had already gone to their rooms. Wooyoung was about to as well, but Hongjoong stopped him.

"I think we should talk, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung nodded, letting Hongjoong guide him to the couch to sit. Wooyoung sat at one end, while Hongjoong took the other.

"Listen, we all know you like skinship, but lately it's been nonstop. Not everyone wants a hug all the time, Woo. You need to learn how to control yourself."

Wooyoung nodded, hiding his face behind his hair.

"You've been extremely clingy, and everyone's complaining. Maybe at least until the next comeback ends, you should refrain from initiating skinship."

"I'm only saying this to help the team flow better, Woo. Okay?" Hongjoong reaches over and gently lifts Wooyoung's head, smiling when he gets a weak "Okay." from the other. "Okay then. Sleep well Woo, we have a busy day tomorrow."

Hongjoong ruffled his hair, turning the light off and leaving Wooyoung in darkness.

He got up from the couch, leaving for the bathroom to wash up before bed.

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