(Introduction of characters.)

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[ CHARACTERS: Prince of the north, Hyde. (white haired, 5'5,Kind,Petty,Sassy, Responsible,Stubborn 18) • ]

[ CHARACTERS: Prince of the south, River. (Black haired, 6'1, Sarcastic,Annoying,Hot-Tempered. 18) • ]

[CHARACTERS: Queen of the north. Agatha, (White haired, Blue eyes, 5'6 Kind, Calm, Responsible, Worrisome. 39) • ]

[ CHARACTERS: Queen of the south, Estrella. (Black haired, Green eyed, 5'8, Tired, Judgemental, Mocking, Sarcastic, two faced. 38) • ]

(Note: Agatha's husband died into a winter storm after getting their land in the northern side.)

[CHARACTERS: King of the south, Leonardo. (Blonde haired, Red eyed, Tired, Mocking, Doubtful, Distant. 40) • ]

(Background characters!)

[ CHARACTERS: Servant of the north, Geon. (Gray haired, Dreadful, Calm, Supportive, tired, No energy.) • ]

No mercy . • ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt