01 | Like Mothers, Like Daughter

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"This was a stupid idea,"

"Thanks for that, Anya," Xander sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

She wasn't wrong but it was safe to say, now was not the time.

"It's like the opening of the Magic Box all over again," Willow exclaimed, shutting the door behind her with force as she entered the small back room of the warehouse.

Yep, warehouse.

Buffy's Warehouse, to be exact.

"So let's review what's gone wrong so we can improve shall we?" Anya asked and Xander groaned.

"Dawn dropped a chandelier, Willow gave a customer the wrong directions-"

"Oh, so not my fault!" Willow cried. "Seven people were talking to me at once and then Tara couldn't find Iris and I still don't understand why I have to be the axe lady! Do I look like an axe lady to you?"

Xander raised an eyebrow at her.

"Remember in high school when you were under that love spell Amy cast?"

She grumbled an indignant response.

"Well I think we can all strive to do better," Anya spoke up optimistically.

"Screw that. If I have to answer one more question about how to kill rabbits in an ethical way-," Buffy complained, pushing her way through the door.

"Kill them all! No mercy!" Anya exclaimed immediately and Willow snorted.

"And that's why Buffy answers those questions," Xander told her.

It was 21 years after the final (well, kind of) Sunnydale battle occurred, yet almost the entire team of Scoobies (and Angel's band of misfits) were still located right there.

The entire town had been rebuilt with, let's say, lots of grant money from the government so it was bigger and better than ever.

Anya and Xander were married with two kids, Ethan and Henrietta, as were Willow and Tara who had adopted their fifteen-year-old daughter, Iris when she was a baby.

Buffy and Angel were still the power couple of the 90's...in the 2020's, married for four years now.

Dawn was still as useless as ever, though she hadn't become any less endearing to those around her after she grew up.

And it was Cordelia and Fred's genius idea to open Buffy's Warehouse even though they were severely overstaffed and regretting all life's choices in that current moment.

"Willow?" a voice called through the door. "Where are the lightbulbs?"

"May as well just rename it Willow's Warehouse at this point. Why do they all want me?" Willow complained before opening the door.

"Oh!" Fred exclaimed before smiling meekly. "Hi. Um, there's a man out there who wants to know where the lightbulbs are and I wasn't sure so I came to you. Sorry if I'm interrupting,"

"No, don't be sorry, I thought you were another customer. Remind me to get a lock for this door," Willow replied absentmindedly. "And the lightbulbs are in Electrical. It's Dawn's section, right next to decor,"

"Thank you Willow," Fred gushed appreciatively before dashing off in the wrong direction.

"Fred! Wrong way!" Willow called but she didn't hear.

"That's the second time today you've given someone the wrong directions," Anya noted as she shut the door again.

"I'm aware," Willow muttered.

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