Freak Me Baby

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A few days passed in relative peace and quietness, at least, as far as that was possible with having three furry and obnoxiously loud aliens in your life, one of which was able to put you into full-on swoon mode by only looking at you.
A few days passed in relative peace and quietness.
They hadn't been alone since that whole flat-tire-debacle, and Charley was still debating whether it was a good thing or not.
It probably was if it wasn't so goddamn boring at the same time.
Because it was.
Life, even with three furry and obnoxiously loud aliens in it, was actually quite boring without playing certain games with a certain white Martian.
Games that brought a blush to her cheeks.
Games that made her insides tingle like an army of butterflies tickled them.
Games that, despite the risks, made her feel more alive than she had ever felt before.

But with his bros around, Vinnie behaved just like he always did before they shared that strange night, the one that had set things in motion, which basically meant he pretended like nothing ever happened.
Like he hadn't touched her the way he had done.
Or looked at her the way he had done with those dark eyes of his, eclipsed by arousal...
As it turned out, pretending was another thing her white-furred friend was very good at.
So good, that even though their rather hot interactions were practically instilled into every cell of her body, Charley sometimes started to doubt her own memory.
Until today, that is.
Today, she found out that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her memory.

The night had already been in an advanced stage when Charley's scanner picked up the signal.
The soft beeping had made her stop the movie she had been watching with her extraterrestrial friends, mildly alarmed but not very worried just yet.
It was only after checking her device, the very one she had designed to pick up interplanetary frequencies in order to keep a close eye on both the Plutarkians as possible visiting Martians, that her concerns tripled, and so did Throttle's as the signal told them that Limburger was reaching out to Plutark.
They had learned the hard way that him calling his boss equaled trouble for the mice, but strangely enough, that wasn't what really alarmed them.
No, it was the fact that he wasn't calling from Limburger Plaza that concerned them the most, and so, they decided to follow the signal in the hope of finding out what that fish face was up to.

With soft shrieking brakes, three bikes came to a halt across a building located in the heart of Chicago, and Throttle opened his visor.
"Are you sure this is the place?", he asked with a furrowed brow as his bionic eyes wandered from the well-maintained establishment to the line of people waiting to get inside.
Whenever the man, who he assumed was a guard given he was almost the same size as the building or at least built like one, opened the door to let people in, loud music was pumped into the dark and quiet night, along with bright flashing lights and the characteristic sound of a crowd that was having a good time.
If anything, this was not what he expected to be Limburger's new hideout.
He didn't really strike him as the 'Let's go to a nightclub and have a good time' kinda guy as he was always too busy trying to demolish Chicago and thus also said nightlife.

Charley checked the scanner in her hand, so focused on the mission that she didn't even really notice the way her body was pressed against Vinnie's warm and strong back, or how his tail was still loosely wrapped around her waist even though they weren't driving anymore.
"Positive. Technology never lies."
Although she did agree with the tan-furred leader - this was the last place she expected Limburger to spend his Saturday night.
"So now what? We can't just walk in, there's a guard at the door", Modo pointed out, resting one foot on the footrest of his bike whilst the other remained on the asphalt to make sure he wouldn't topple over.
"There ain't no way he's gonna let us pass."

Vinnie stretched his back while cracking his knuckles with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Gimme five seconds and we're in. Succes guaranteed."
Throttle cast him a sideways glance.
"We can't just knock the light out of his eyes in front of all those people, Vincent."
Slightly shaking his head, he turned his gaze back on the building.
"That ain't exactly what I consider low profile."
"Maybe not, but at least it's more fun than sneaking...", Vinnie muttered, already knowing where this was going.
And indeed...
"There's another entrance at the back. It's for staff and VIP's who, ironically, wanna keep a low profile", Charley mentioned, shifting a little backward to create some distance between her and Vinnie, since he was practically leaning against her after stretching his back and it was just too much of a distraction all of a sudden.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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