ch 1 the white wolf.

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Once upon a time there was a girl named Nerida, she lived in a fairy tale land with candy houses and unicorns where everything was sweet and colorful, she lived in a candy castle with her grand-mother which she just called Momo, because it was her mothers' mother, so she took the two first letters of mother two times and used it as a nick name which her Momo took great pride in.

But one day something terrible happened, an evil woman came and ruined the houses and destroyed the people living in the villages, she wanted nothing but chaos and that's what she got, the grand-mother took her grand-child to a secret passage and told her to go through and not stop till she saw the white rabbit, so Nerida did as she was told and crawled through the passage until she got to a town it was cold and covered in white sand it was something weird about the sand tho, it was cold not warm like sand usually is, then she remembered she couldn't stop moving she started running down the street looking for a white rabbit, till she saw a shop sign with a white rabbit, she looked at the name Evermore jewelry shop she walked up to the door and went inside.


"mom! Look what I found" the little girl was giggling and laughing showing her mom the white rabbit she had found, he was calm not like other rabbits when humans caught them "oh, Alice dear haven't I told you not to touch random animals you find, they could contain all types of bacteria" the woman said "yes mother" the little girl answered, before she ran away giggling again still with the rabbit in her little arms.

a few weeks later the woman fell sick, while she was laying in bed she gave her daughter a necklace and a map she had once gotten from her mother, and told her about the secret passage her mother always talked about, and how no one was able to figure out where the map led, or if it was just some junk her mother had found and kept, but the woman knew it was more to it, she told Alice to find what the map was hiding no matter what.


"Alice Evermore get back here!" the disobedient teenager wouldn't listen she never did, and to be honest that's probably why all her teachers and maids quit, they would get tired of chasing her around the city and follow her through the forest on her wild adventures, just to find a white wolf it was always the white wolf, most of the towns people would chatter and gossip about her fascination with the wolfs how she would watch the wolfs, and how strange it was especially for a lady, but Alice thought it was weird that the others weren't fascinated with the wolfs and how pretty they were, she thought they were just as strange as they thought she was, then alice noticed she had lost the maids in the forest and she had also gotten lost

"oh this cant be good" she told herself but she was cut off when she heard howling in the distance, she followed the sound and found a white wolf, it noticed her and nodded its head almost to like it was telling her to follow suit and so she did, it walked over to a passage which she thought she had seen before but she didn't know where "strange" she told herself "almost like I have seen this before" she continued even if it gave her a weird vibe she still followed the wolf, through the weird passage and when they got through they saw a colorful land with candy and magical creatures, she looked around in awe then she realized that the wolf was nodding at her to follow him and so she did without hesitation.

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