The belt came off

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This chapter has a really graphic rape since its just a warning.


This week has been a horrible week. Work hours are long, no food, being tired, and worest of all being dead when your alive. My body is running on empty and I don't think Samara and Dakota are holdimg up too.

The nights don't seem long enough, to rest my achy body. I can only image what Samara feels like. Dakota has been walking around like a zombie, his eyes are empty, his smile boken and hes full of fear.

I wish he would talk to me. Its not like him to hide things from me. Unless hes just tired, I really hope so. Watching him like this breaks my heart.

It was late at night and I just want to sleep but I can't. My body screamed at me. My legs hurt and my arms are heavy. Work was unbelievable today. All three of us collapse on the tiny queen sized bed.

Samara and Dakota were asleep as soon as they hit the bed. Samara's screaming had slowed, I was thankful for that. Samara would only cry but not to loud. It was still heart breaking.

My body was still screaming at me to sleep but my brain didn't let me. I couldn't stop thinking about everything. The brown hair, brown eyed soldier was still looking at me. He was one of the soldiers that raped Samara. He watched me work.

He watched my every move. He looked at my body, scanning me. He moved his lustful eyes up and down my body, making sure that he didn't miss anything. Hes waiting until I was ready, or that he can't wait anymore. My hopes of him forgetting me or long gone. He made that very clear.

He going to get me soon, I feel it in every part of my body. I shutter at the thought. Dakota doesn't know because we work in two different buildings. God I wish I worked with him and not the brown haired soldier.

I shiver at the thought of him, so I push the thoughts away. I think anout somthing better, much better.


The ring of his name makes the hardships of the day melt away. I miss him so much. I want to feel his lip crash against mine. I want to feel our bodies become one again.

I just want him and nothing more. I trun my head and saw the moon. Derex is probaby asleep or looking at the same moon. Either way it makes me feel better because we can see the same moon.

I finally drift off the sleep, with the thoughts of Derex.


The next morning was just awful. My eyes popped open when the alarm went off. I groaned very loud, which woke up Samara and Dakota up. They both groaned. My legs and arms screamed at me to stay in bed. I couldn't listen, I had to work to live.

We all three got dressed and me and Samara up our hair up. Then we made our way to the factories. Dakota gave me a tight hug and looked me in the eye. Then he walked away to his factory.

He does that every morning, today I really needed it because I feel that Mr. brown haired soldier might make his move. I felt the tears rush down face. Samara stops me and she looks at me.

"Irene, I know what your thinking about... He won't touch you, when I'm around. He got me ,I'll die before he gets you. Its not your fault what happen to me. I love you Irene and please don't be scared you have me and Dakota." Samara said.

Then she gave me a tight hug. I squeezed her back. I whispered I love you to because I thought I was going to cry.

We walk into the factory and get straight to work. The same soldier was watching me the whole time. Then Samara switched places with another girl so she was right by me.

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