Getting out

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Hoppy hopscotch, Picky piggy and Bobby bearhug continue their adventure!!! Not a good idea...

Hoppy hopscotch: This house is very dark!

Picky piggy: Can we leave now. I'm hungry.

Bobby bearhug take out a spicy taco.

Bobby bearhug: Eat this.

Hoppy hopscotch: Don't eat that or else you'll get diarrhea!

Picky piggy: I don't care!!💅💅💅

Picky piggy munch on it.

Picky piggy: MMNNN! Very delicious!


Picky piggy: Guys... I need to use the bathroom real quick..

Hoppy hopscotch: Hahahaha

Bobby bearhug: What are you laughing for?

Hoppy hopscotch: For happiness!

Picky piggy run away to find the bathroom.

Hoppy hopscotch: Hey girl!!! Don't run away!!!

Bobby bearhug: She just need to popo.

Meanwhile Kicken chicken,

KickinChicken: 🐔🐔🐔🐔 I'mma chicken ohh I'mma chicken ohh~

Bubba elephant: What the heck is this chicken doing?

Dogday: He's gone crazy. Btw how did you get here?

Bubba elephant: Well long story...


I went to the bunker to find CraftyCorn. But something not good happened.

CraftyCorn: AHHHHHH!

Bubba elephant: CRAFTYCORN!!! ARE YOU THERE!!!???

CraftyCorn: HELP!!?
I herd her scream so I get in and saw TWO CRAFTYCORN!!

Bubba elephant: Wtf happen here?!

CraftyCorn 2 : Help me...

CraftyCorn 1 : No she is the fake one!!

I thought that ask me for help is real.
So I help her but things change.
That girl asking me for help is fake.
She turn CraftyCorn to a real unicorn plushie. Then she teleported me to this place! And the rest I don't really remember...

Dogday: Ohh so that how..

KickinChicken: Imma chicken imma chicken, IMMA FRIED CHICKEN KFC!!!!


Dogday: You are gone to far!!

Back to the girls

Picky piggy: LOOK A HOLE!! I'm going to poop there.

Hoppy hopscotch: Piggy, .....WTF!

Picky piggy: Oops, sorry..  Wait I have an explanation.

Bobby bearhug: You don't need to explain just hurry up.

KickinChicken: Look there something up there. Looks like is a chocolate cookie dough!

Bubba elephant: That not look like cookie and smell not like chocolate either.



Bubba elephant: KickinChicken is very stinky now!

KickinChicken: Ugh it's poop! FUCK YOU!!!

Picky piggy: Ohh I hear something! Do you guys here it?

Hoppy hopscotch: Where did it come from?

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