Part 6

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An alarm blares through the prison as a voice spoke over the speakers.

Voice: Warning. Code Red. Massive security breach has been detected. All prisoners please return to you cells-

The speaker was torn off the wall by a large figure before getting crushed beneath its huge feet. Past him, several tiny creatures run past the hulking menace. A group of figures fly down the halls and for the exit, only to get electrocuted with a modified bear taser.

Plumber 1: Keep holding them back!

Plumber 2: What do you think I'm doing!?!?

They're suddenly overwhelmed as a bunch of tiny aliens jump onto them and start tearing them apart before they get the doors open. Several Plumber spacecrafts are hijacked, taking off into the vast black sea of stars with the only sound being that of the ships engines along with the alarms still blaring.

Creature 1: Glagr hra ka ka ka chik la bo bo xala!
Eng: Glad we finally escaped that pathetic planet!

Creature 2: Boom Daka rono lika gaga zaza miroks wae Neptune!?
Eng: Who even names a planet something dumb like Neptune!?

Creature 3: Beep Bap Bo grum bum la bow chicka wow wow!
Eng: All that matters is that we can finally get back to searching for a planet to destroy!

Big Creature: Bow un un un jaka ikk lo wequijx quakaka lol... Earth...
Eng: We shall start with the closest one with life on it... Earth...

All the creatures cheer as the ships take of in set of their destination.


We see Mia, slowly waking up to find she was still in the tent from the night before. She yawns, stretching to see her brother was gone. She got out of her sleeping bag, opening the tent flap and stepping out to see everyone already up and about.

Mia: Morninggg...

Simon: Hey Mia! Good morning!

He says happily while everyone else just gave a hello of some kind. Mia yawns, walking up to Simon and letting herself hang off his back.

Mia: SSsimooon. I'm hungyyyy...!

Gwen: is she ok, or....?

Simon: She's like this in the morning. She'll be back to normal in a bit.

Mia: Ssssssiiiiimmmmoooooonnnnn..! HungryyyyyyyyyY!

Simon: Yes yes, I know Mia. So uh, anyone know what we're doing about breakfast?

Max: We're gonna jump back in the Rust bucket and drive down to a diner after we pack up.

Simon: Alright. I'm just gonna get Mia inside then I'll come help.

He says, helping his sleepy sister to the old car. They pack up and head back on the road. After a while they make it to an old fashioned eat-in diner. The place was empty aside from them so they all got to a booth, ordered, and began eating. Mia happily scarfed down her food, feeling like her usual self once again.

Mia: This place has delicious food!

She says, eating another bite of her pancakes.

Simon: Eh, it's pretty good.

he says, taking a bite of his french toast.

Ben: So grandpa. You seemed pretty short sided at looking for other options. Was there a reason or...?

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