A Leading Myopractics in Mesa, AZ

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Myotherapy massage, often known as sports massage, is an advanced therapeutic. This therapy relies on external massage to target various trigger points and reduce muscle tension. You must be wondering what these trigger points are.

Trigger points are tight muscle fibers that occur due to overuse or injury. Myotherapists massage patients by exerting external force on their hands, fingers, and knuckles.

Mesa Myopractics

Mesa, Arizona, is a vibrant city with robust healthcare centers that target diverse medical needs of their residents. With its advanced medical technology, Mesa stands out as a leading destination for effective medical solutions. This city is also known for its qualified and top-tier myopractic practitioners. They have solutions for every ailment, whether it is chronic pain or any kind of injury, Mesa offers a supportive environment where people have access to my practice therapy tailored to their unique needs. In this article, we will go through and leading myopractics in Mesa, AZ.

What is Myopractics?

Myotherapy is physiotherapy that addresses soft tissue pain and joint mobility issues caused by muscle and myofascial dysfunction.

Myofascia are the thin tissues that surround and separate muscles. They also help connect muscles to joints and bind ligaments and tendons.

Meet the Leading Myopractic in Mesa, AZ

Natural Motion Myopractics is the leading myopractic practice in Mesa, AZ. It was led and founded by Jason Alston, who has more than 10 years of experience in myopractic. Jason has been providing these services since 2013 and is dedicated to improving people's health and well-being.

He started as a Physical Therapy tech in 2011 and gained certification as a Myopractor in 2012 at Natural Therapeutics in Mesa, AZ. He specializes in Ki-Hara, resistance training, trauma- and tension-releasing exercises, massage therapy, vertebral manipulation, and neural manipulation.

Services Offered by Natural Motion

Natural motion provides the following services:

1. Myopractics

2. Visceral Manipulation

3. Tension Releasing Exercises

As a premier wellness center in Mesa, AZ, Natural Motion offers a wide range of services to enhance the wellness and well-being of its clients. With a highly skilled team committed to holistic treatments, Natural Motion provides personalized care for every individual. Let's discuss some of the primary services we have mentioned above.


Myopractics is a specialized form of manual therapy that treats musculoskeletal issues by targeting specific points in the body to relieve tension. In this treatment, gentle manipulation and hands-on techniques, myopractic practitioners at Natural Motion help improve joint mobility and overall body well-being. Natural Motion practitioners provide practical solutions and treatments, whether you are struggling with pain, recovering from an injury, or seeking guidance in taking precautionary measures.

Visceral Manipulation:

Visceral Manipulation is another technique for optimal health and therapy. It treats imbalances and limitations within the internal organs and surrounding tissues. Visceral Manipulation aims to improve organ function, enhance circulation, and treat discomfort related to digestion, pelvic, and other visceral parts. These hands-on techniques by Natural Motion help restore your body.

Tension Releasing Exercises TRE:

As part of its dedication to holistic wellness, Natural Motion provides tension-releasing exercises (TRE) to assist clients in releasing stress, tension, and trauma stored within the body. TRE is a novel method of healing that uses simple but effective exercises to trigger the body's natural shaking or trembling response, aiding the release of muscular tension and improving nervous system relaxation. Clients participating in TRE sessions at Natural Motion can reap significant benefits such as reduced anxiety, increased muscle flexibility, improved athletic performance, and a higher sense of well-being. Clients can safely and efficiently release their bodies' intrinsic capacity for healing and self-regulation when guided by trained TRE practitioners.


We summed up that Natural Motion is more than a wellness center - It is a place for people of healing in Mesa, AZ. Led by Jason Alston. By providing a range of treatments from myopractics to visceral manipulation and tension-releasing exercises. In a world where holistic well-being is paramount, Mesa Healthcare is the shine of hope which provides top-notch services and treatments. Meanwhile, at Natural Motion every client is treated with care and happiness. In this article, we have summed up the holistic medical treatments in Mesa, AZ, and the leading myopractics including the importance of myopractics in our daily life and overall well-being. 

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