Twenty - Four

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Andy could barely follow as Bill babbled on and on about his trip to Italy. They had been there for 2 weeks, Damon showing him all the places he used go when he lived in the country for 3 years. He didn't understand how he could talk so much while eating.  He was shoving pizza into his face and chatting simultaneously. Andy smirked and leaned forward to wipe sauce from his chatty partner's face.

"Oh, thank you. But the pizza in Italy is way better. I mean obviously," Bill finished, reaching for his third slice.

"Okay slow down before you throw up," Damon scolded playfully.

"I won't," Bill pouted. "I've already had two slices and that's normal for most people. Three isn't too much."

"You said that exact thing in Italy and threw up all over the table," Damon chuckled. "My daughters have more restraint and they're six and two."

"You should bring your family over for the end of summer bbq," Miley chatted. "I wanna get one more in before baby Kaulitz makes a landing."

"Adele would love that. She'll probably make you sit the whole time and do everything for you," Damon smiled.

"Diane won't be able to make it. She wanted me to tell you," Andy frowned. "She told me to tell you and Tom in private her reasoning."

"What? Why?" Miley snorted.

"It involves Bill," Andy replied.

"Me? What about me? Your mother likes me, right? We've been dating almost 3 years," Bill frowned, slumping into his seat.

"Marshall thinks you're great and will be in attendance. He adores this family and thinks me being here has been great for my overall development. Diane is indifferent."

"Indifferent? What does she got to say about Billy? Or even better our family?"

"Two young people should not be having a baby out of wedlock. Especially if they can barely take care of the brain damaged one they got now," Andy repeated. "June is right to keep her children out of that house."

"So June and Diane are the ones that started that garbage at the church," Miley sighed. "Is that why she ain't come to the bbq?"

Andy nodded sadly, looking down at the pizza on the table. He didn't notice Bill sitting dejectedly next to him. He couldn't get over being called brain damaged. He wasn't brain damaged. Granted his brain was in fact damaged but that wasn't how he defined himself. Suddenly that third slice didn't sound so good any more. He had to be normal or he'd risk never seeing Andy again.

"I'm done. Can I take my meds and go shower now?" Bill deadpanned.

"You don't have to ask permission, and it's still pretty early," Damon shrugged.

"Oh, well I guess I'll go watch tv, excuse me," Bill stood and left the kitchen table.

Andy wanted to follow but his words upset his boyfriend. And the next part of his statement wouldn't have been good for Bill to hear.

"Marshall and Diane are getting a divorce. I'm going with Marshall because I do have a choice. He's not moving away but I will be gone for a while. That's why he approved this weekend. We will be in Canada until Diane moves out. She lost custody of my sister too. Apparently she's on medication that she wasn't taking and it has deemed her unable to take care of us."

"My lord," Miley gasped. "Okay, if you want, why don't you ask Marshall if you can stay here. I wouldn't mind it, I'm sure Tom wouldn't and you wouldn't have to readjust your routine too much."

"I wouldn't want to be too much trouble," Andy shrugged.

"Nonsense. I'm sure Marshall will have his hands full with the new baby. And you need a certain amount of attention too. So you can stay with us, if Marshall was gonna pull you outta school, then we can just add you to Damon's payroll. I'm sure you don't mind being his support, right Damon?"

"Of course not. My eldest son has autism. Granted he's non verbal, I'm sure we can manage together. Just tell me whatever you need."

"Okay. I'll call Marshall. He was going to the school to speak with the principal about pulling me out."

Andy disappeared into the den, noticing that Bill was in fact outside by the pool. He could see him rocking on his bottom clutching his knees to his chest. Was he crying? Andy couldn't tell from the window. He pulled out his phone and called Marshall.

"Andy? Something wrong?"

"No. Miley offered to let me stay here while you and Diane settle the divorce. And I would like to."

"Honestly, I think that's a great idea, kiddo. I'll come right over and hash out the details with Miley."

"Thank you, dad. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I'll be there in half an hour," Marshall said, hanging up the phone.

It took a while to get little Madison settled in her car seat before he took off driving. Marshall reached the Kaulitz abode, parking close to the entrance. He carefully knocked, hoping the sound wouldn't wake his sleeping daughter.

Miley answered the door, immediately taking the small baby from the car seat when she woke up wailing. Marshall could never get her down easily, he sighed exhaustively and walked into the house. Damon took the car seat and ushered the tired man to a seat.

"Andy told me what happened. How've you been holding up?" Miley asked.

"Not great. The last month and a half has been rough. Madison is so little so she needs all my attention, luckily she's not on breast milk. Diane had been purposefully triggering Andy at family events because she enjoyed the attention.

"She believed that you having Andy stay here was competition. Like 'look at me I can take care of two disabled children. Beat that bitch.' And I got tired of it. I told her that Andy was suffering in our home and I was blessed the day he came home and said you all gave him a front door key. I could get him out. So yes, absolutely, Andy can stay here. Please. So I can do right by him and Madison. I don't want either of them to suffer but I can't take care of both."

"Absolutely. And don't worry about schooling. Damon is equipped to handle that. We have the room in this big ass house. The boys ain't sharing. I can't have them bumping and grinding under my roof," Miley chuckled, rocking little Madison in her bosom.

"I appreciate you so much. You have no idea. I still have to pack, get Maddie's stuff together at the house. I don't want to bring her back to that."

"I can watch her. Leave her formula and baby bag. Go handle your crazy ex and tell that bitch I know she started that gossip about Tom and me."

"I'm truly sorry. I really am. I'll make it right, I promise."

Marshall rushed out without saying a word to Andy. He left Madison's belongings on the couch with a note and two notarized signed legal documents.

No one would expect that Marshall would end up shooting his wife and himself that same night. Murder-Suicide. In the note, he said that if Miley hadn't taken Madison or Andy off his hands they would've died too. It was too late to report it, because Miley had seen the note after the deed was done.

Their bodies were found piled on top of each other, blood coating the living room. Marshall gave up his parental rights to Miley and Tom. A video recorded deposition he sent into the court of his decision was authorized before his death. Tom had been shocked, unable to fathom how they'd explain any of this to Andy.

My Choice (Third in the "Baby Brother Series)Where stories live. Discover now