Gone Too Soon.

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I exited the front of the church feeling numb, he was gone. "He lived a good life," the preacher said "Taken too soon". I've heard all the same phrases. It's amazing how many people show up for the dead. The service was short but the pews were filled with all sorts of different people—mainly greasers, but kids from the town over as well.

Everybody was spilling out of the crowded church into the hot sun. Darry was giving his respects to the family while Soda and Pony came and stood beside me, Soda put a comforting hand on my shoulder as my eyes darted around to unfamiliar faces looking for Ella.

I have not seen Ella since the hospital after the fire. We were all piled into ambulances at the scene and raced to the nearest medical center. We were all separated and I was in a room alone. The doctor lady came in with some oxygen and stuck these tubes up my nose. She said it was going to help me breathe better because I inhaled too much smoke. That scared me because I was only on the outside of the church, the boys and some children were inside. I hoped they get tubes up their nose too.

Everything from the time the boys walked out of the burning church for the next 24 hours felt sped up, moving insanely fast. On the ride in the ambulance, I felt frozen, I think I was just in shock from everything. When we first got to the hospital I was more talkative, Because we were all separated I was asking anybody and everybody how my friends were. "They are all getting the best treatment they can right now". The doctor lady would tell me. "All of them?" I asked for reassurance and she nodded.

I sat in my room intensely listening to the chaos that erupted on the other side of the pulled curtain. The thin curtain was the only thing that separated me from the other rooms where I could only assume my friends were getting 'the best treatment'. I heard many people shouting "Code Blue, Code Blue" followed by footsteps running up and down the hallway. I wish I knew what the different color codes meant I thought to myself.

I was slightly startled when the curtain of my room was pushed open and two police officers inched closer with guns on their hips and notepads in their hands.

"Hi, Darlin'... Mind if we ask you a few questions?"

I felt my heart race inside my chest. My mind instantly went to the trouble I was in. Did they think we started the fire? Am I in trouble for running away? I can't let them know I ran away because they would drag me straight to a girl's home for sure. I kept my mouth shut and shifted my eyes to the ceiling.

"We just wanna know your name honey". The other cop said trying to sound friendly.

Should I lie? The last time I lied to someone about my identity it didn't go too well. Granted Dallas showed up and blew my cover. I don't think he would be showing up this time. I got sad at the thought of Dally and shifted on the cold table I was sitting on. I readjusted the oxygen tubes in my nose and decided to stay quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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