it happened?

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Aleise watched suspiciously as a woman in her mid-twenties to early thirties, clad in a dark red shirt and black pants, entered the orphanage. Every other child's eyes gleamed with hope as they yearned for the possibility of being chosen for adoption. However, Aleise harbored no such hopes. She felt she was no different from the other children, and she didn't dare to dream of being chosen.

To her surprise, the woman's gaze lingered on her, and before she knew it, she was being approached. The woman's warm smile caught Aleise off guard as she found herself being selected. Polite small talk ensued, and before she could fully grasp the situation, Aleise found herself with her bags packed, seated in the back of a luxurious car beside her newfound guardian.

As they drove away, Aleise stole a glance back at the orphanage. Tears glistened in the eyes of her old caretakers, their joy for her evident, yet tinged with sadness at her departure. Aleise couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions herself, grateful for the opportunity yet saddened by the thought of leaving behind the only home she had ever known.

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