I woke up to the sound of crying. It was the baby. I slowly got up trying to maneuver myself from not waking Ari. He looked so adorable and peaceful when he slept. I walked over to little kels(my nickname for her) and picked her up I went over to my bed and changed her diaper and fed her. I totally forgit about Skylar and I am very happy about that. I never want to see him again!! I put Kelsee down in the playpin and went downstairs to set up all the baby stuff when I heard my phone ring it was my father.." hi dad" " hi baby I'm just telling you that we are going to live in Italy forever. If you would like to come and live here you may but we aren't leaving here would you like to live with us?" "No dad I don't thinks so, i love you though" " love you to gotta go bye honey" "bye dad". I was in shock and sad that they just left and are never coming back. So I just took all the baby stuff and Ari's stuff up stairs. I put the babys room in the guest room and aris in the master bedroom. I spent the whole day doing there rooms. Ari slept the whole day!!!!! There was a hardware next to us so I painted the baby's room turquoise will little elephants on the walls. I set her crib up with pink and white poka dots for the mattress. I had the changing section right next to the crib. The playpin was on the other end to. I put a rocking chair in the corner with a blanket on the side. I put a rolling thing to put the baby in the middle of the room and put a little white dresser with pink polar dots all of it with a baby monitor and a elephant piggy bank. Then I went to Ari's room. I put lime green on the walls and did the ninja turtle since he picked out EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING!!! I put the twin size bed up and put the teenage mutant ninja tuurlte sheets and comfirtor on it and put a pillow case on the pillows. And a big ninja turtle stuffed animal. I then git a tiy box and put all his toys either in it or around it. I then went into his bathroom and put a ninja turtle rug infront of the bathtub, turtle shower curtain and a turtle soap for the sink. I think I covered all the ninja turtle stuff am I right? I feel like a mom right now am I considered kidnapping these kids? I should call the cops. Or someone I should talk to ari first when he wakes up. I heard the bay cry so I went into her room to see the most precious sight in my life!!!!!! Ari with his little baby sister in his arms and walking to the rocking chair and putting the blanket olwround eachother and saying to her," I will never let anyone hurt you, sissy. I love you always." He says kissing her forhead. I walke din and sat next to him." Ari what are your parents names?" "Um James Righ and Miley Righ" I gasped and ran to get my phone please say this is not the Righ I'm thinking of. I got my phone and went into kels room and went on Facebook and looked up Skylar Righ he popped up and i went to his friends list and tiled in Righ and those to names came up I clicked on Miley." Ari is this your mommy?" "Yes how did you find her?" "You know the boy you seen earlier?" "Yea the one who looked really familiar?" "Yes ari that was your brother" " what I don't have a brother!" "Well he has the same last name as you! "I only had one brother and he- he died"  he began to cry so I took the bay and put her in the crib and picked ari up and said," wana see your room?" He nodded. I took him and he jumped down from my arms and number into the big comfy bed and said " will you read me this book?" He says pointing to a peter pan book. I shook my head yes and got under the covers with him and rad the little picture book by the time I was done Ari was asleep. God how many times can that kid sleep? I decided to go for a drive to walmart. So I gently picked him up wrapped him in a throw teenage mutant ninja turtle blanket and picked him up slowly and went down stairs and into the garage and out him in a car seat in my suburban. I then git Kelsee Ann and out her in her carriage and set her in the car. I put my music down low and drove off. I reached walmart. I quickly got out and manged to carry Ari and Kelsee at the same time and put them in a cart. I was looking in the baby aisle until I bumped into someone," Oh I'm so sorr-" then. I met his beautiful blue soft eyes he smiled and said" no problem it was my fault anyways" I noticed he had a scar on his face but I loved it. He had blonde sandy hair, the perfect nose, mouth, and ears. He was perfect. "What is your name?" "Dylan Try, what about you?" "Lillyy Rila" " are these your siblings?" " um no I adopted them" " how old are you?" "18 why?" " no reason I'm 19 by the way" " here's my number" and then he walked away. He was about 6'1 and I was about 5'8 so he towered over me. I went back to shopping until I bumped into someone again which it wasnt a man or a boy or a woman it was about a 6 year old girl I got down ti her level and asked ," are you lookin for your mommy?" She shook her head yes so I scooped her up and took her to the front desk along with my children. Her mother came rushing towards hee with a sighn of relieg and thanked me. I got all the the stuff i needed and went home.

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