The Stranger

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The sun was blazing, burning everything it touched. A man was right in the raging sun's path, riding his horse looking for some civilization. He came across some natives a few mountains back, they told him to travel one day west and he wasn't seeing a damn thing. Did they lie to him? His doubts were soon proven false, there in the far distance was a small town.

"Come on now girl," the mysterious man spoke to his horse, "let's get you somm in to eat."

With a whip of his horse's reins she began to gallup, carrying her rider to the nearby town. When getting to the border of the small town, the residents started to stare and whisper, wondering why he is here.

Slowly getting off his horse he asked a young girl, "Excuse me little lady," he started, trying not to scare her with his somewhat deep voice, "do you know where me and Bessie can get some water?"

The little girl stared at the young man before asking, "You're new here aren't you, mister?"

"Yes I am, little miss."

The little girl pointed her finger to some watering troughs, "You seem blind too, them watering things over there."

The man looked to where she was pointing then looked back at her, he gave her a small smile, tipped his hat and walked his horse over to the troughs. The man leaned back as his horse took a much needed drink of water. He began to look around, taking in the towns characters, some towns women, who seemed to be staring at him, giggling, making him tip his hat with a small smirk causing them to laugh a bit louder, some men chatting outside of the saloon and drinking beer and some children playing games.

The one person that stuck out to him was a large man, he was tall and wide and extremely stoic, smoking a cigar and staring at the stranger. The newcomer started to sweat more, not because of the flaming sun. The large man began walking up to him, everyone stopped and stared, some even coming out of the buildings.

The large man towered over the mysterious stranger, staring at him. He took a long draw on his cigar before removing it to exhale and ask, "What brings you here, boy?" His voice was deep and intimidating, matching his large frame.

The loner said, "Just passing through, maybe get some food for me and my horse here, sir." trying not to provoke the large man.

The intimidating man nodded slowly before saying, "Good, I have a important guest coming to town soon and we can't have newcomers waltzing on in and causing a ruckus," he stared into the lone travelers eyes, "You can stay in the saloon as my personal guest just dont be causing trouble now boy."

The traveler nodded and tipped his hat, letting the big man know he understood him. Said big man walked away, heading back to his post, watching over the town like a big ol buzzard, watching and waiting for something to happen.

After the young mare finished her much needed drink she began chomping on some nearby hay. A few little girls ran over to her with dried up flowers, probably from their ma's and pa's. They looked towards the horses owner lurkn in the shadows nearby, as if bein to scared to ask em if they can touch her. The man walked up to the girls and squatted down to their level.

"Now what are y'all doing with them there flowers?" he asked with a light chuckle

"Can we braid 'em into her mane? We'd be gentle." one of the little girls begged

"Well I know y'all be nice to her but does she know that?"

"What do you mean, mister?"

"Well before you touch Bess you have to pet her behind her right ear. If ya don't she might nip ya."

Lifting up one of the young girls, the tall stranger said, "Go on now, doll. You want her to trust ya, ya gotta scratch her special spot."

The little girl slowly reached her hand to the young mare's right ear, hastily she began scratching it. The light brown mare let out a snort of content causing all the little girls to squeal. The man smiled, he set the little girl down, walked towards his mares behind and tapped her behind thrice times, causing her to sit down then flop on the ground. She was now laying in the dirt, eating her hay and a small congress of children were braiding her mane and tail.

The man looked towards the mare and the chatty kids, smiling to himself, 'I think I might like it here.'

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