The Belle

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The lone wolf, Tex, ended up staying a bit longer, an entire month, being loved by the bar goers, admired by the ladies and being a big brother to the children, everything made him want to stay. The only person whom hated him and wanted him to leave was the big man, the mayor. He milked the cattle, he cleaned up the saloon, delivered the town's mail, he did everything and he got nothing from the mayor. No 'thank you', not that he was after anything, he just wants to help. He always got the same response,

"You best be leaving boy, I got a guest coming soon."

He wanted to know how was coming to visit, who was this visitor that the mayor had coming? Tex's questions will be answered today, on the outskirts of the town was a brown horse drawn carriage, holding "The Guest" the mayor wouldn't stop talking about.

When the carriage pulled into the center of town, everyone began flooding the town, all over the moon. Tex walked out of the bar, apron on and rag in hand, clearly wanting to find out what the hubbub is about.

Before the carriage driver could open the door and reveal the mayor's guest it was kicked open by a loud, tall young lady, her hair bright red and as wild as a tumbleweed. A gapped toothed, no dress wear'n, freckled covered, six foot tall goddess of a young woman. She began bounding around the crowd, greeting them but when she got to Tex her smile dropped.

"Oh I ain't never seen you before." the beautiful ginger spoke, her accent more prominent than most, "what's your name stranger?" asked the ginger

"I'd like to know your name first, doll." Tex said while kissing her hand

"Oh so you'es a flirt'n type, huh?" she said with her thick, sultry accent, "Well, dumpling, my name is Abigale, Abigale Athorne but can call me Abbi"

"My names Tex. So what brings you here, Miss Abbi?" Tex asks, her nickname rolling off his tongue like water to leather

"Well I came back to visit my Pa, Mister T."

"And just who would that be?"

"Mayor Athorne"

With that Tex froze, the man that seemed to loathe him was this ray of sunshine's father? This was going to be interesting.

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