Clearing, at least, some things out

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We kept walking until we reached the Big House, Annabeth didn't look at me all the way there.

- I should go, and you should go to the infirmary after this. - Annabeth talked harshly.

- Wait, Annabeth. -

She gave me a wary look and walked away before I could say anything else.

Then, I felt Mr Brunner's hand on my shoulder.

- I'm sure you can solve any problem you two have later, child. Come on now, follow me. -

He led me to the back porch of the house where there was a small round wooden table and a couple chairs.

- Please, sit. - He gestured me to the nearest chair and somewhere between the moment where I sat and looked over to him he switched back to his wheelchair.

- Annabeth filled me in on your arrival and everything she's told you, but there are still things you need to know. - I sat straighter on my chair as he spoke.

- My true name is Chiron, you may know me for being a trainer of heroes. Earlier this year, a satyr protector informed me of the possible presence of demigods on Yancy, so I personally went to check who these demigods were and protect them. One of them was you and the other was Percy. - He spoke slowly in the last part.

- What? And you left him alone? It all makes sense now, we were attacked and you did nothing. - I stood up.

- Ada, please, allow me... -

- No, I don't allow it. What's wrong with everyone here? You and another unknown person spied on us to protect us but I was still attacked twice in one day? If everything gets worse once I know the whole truth then I don't want to know it, Percy doesn't know it and he shouldn't. We have lived a strange normal life, we have lived it for 12 years, Chiron, and it's better than to play hero. -

Anger flooded my voice but I wasn't screaming loudly, I was too tired for that.

- Ada, struggle is inevitable in the life of a demigod, the Fates always include it in their plans. But Percy is not alone, your satyr protector is Grover, when you were attacked it was he who took you out of Yancy. His mother must be telling him the truth right now and Grover will bring him here so you both can live safely. -

I sat back down from the shock.

- Grover? He's not a protector, he is the one that must be protected, he's too sweet and gentle. - I couldn't imagine the picture of Grover cutting a monster's head off.

- The reason Argus came to find you personally is because I believe the Furies have something personal against you. The night you came to camp, there were many more monsters than just the cyclops and Argus had to take care of them. -

I took a moment to analyze everything I've heard so far. I tried to play with my necklace but remembered what Chiron said just now. I reached for my pocket and took out the hair clip, it transformed into a sword when I opened it.

- When I was little my mom gave me a necklace that matched this hair clip and Miss Dodds said that it could no longer help me. Do you know what she meant by that? -

- Ah yes, that necklace of yours. There is something called The Mist, it hides and changes the things of our world from human eyes. It appears that your necklace casted this effect upon you. You see, demigods release a characteristic odor that attracts mythological creatures and the more powerful the demigod, the more powerful that odor is. With Percy I realized it instantly but yours was covered by the necklace. I didn't realize it for months, it seems that the Fury went through the same thing. -

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