5. heaven

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Vidya sat on her bed, staring at the photo albums and frames which she pulled out minutes ago. They needed to be updated. Their family photo doesn't have Abhira and Roohi. Her two bahus. She skimmed through the latest photo album. It was that of Roohi and Rohit's wedding. The Poddars never dared to open this album since Rohit went missing. They never saw the pictures in it. Now, Vidya thought of doing the same. She opened the albums, scanning through all the pictures. The smiling faces now brought tears into her eyes.

"I think we should arrange a wedding for Armaan and Abhira too." Madhav's voice came from the door. Vidya smiled.

"True. We did not see Abhira as a bride and Armaan as a groom. And there are many rituals...."

Madhav sat near Vidya, opening the other albums. Pictures of his sons and the cousin gang as babies brought smile on his face. Vidya beamed at Madhav before snatching those albums playfully saying, "I need to see the pictures of my sons."

As they both sat and smiled and laughed at the memories, somewhere around the house their sons were snatched away from their lives.


"Roohi, just two months. On our anniversary day, we will convince the family." Rohit suggested back the same idea Roohi said the day before.

"But, what about Abhira?"

"She will leave." Said Armaan firmly.

"Let me get this straight, I don't want to live with you. Neither do I want to be associated with you two after separation." Roohi said glaring at the brothers.

"If you don't want that, then why the hell are you both getting divorced?" Armaan asked, puzzled about the situation.

"Because Roohi deserves better. She will never be happy and contented with me, when you are standing before her Bhaiya. She needs a break from our family drama." Rohit responded first.

"So do you. You deserve someone who will love you and take care of you. Not someone like me who is unable to move on from my past and is completely obsessed over a man like him." Roohi said.

"So wait, you both really care and like each other, but want to seperate?" Armaan asked.

While Rohit sighed, Roohi glared at Armaan with an obvious "Mind your own business" tone. Armaan went silent.


"Beta, when should we plan the honeymoon trip that got cancelled?" Dadi Sa asked out of the blue.

Roohi who was serving the family lunch almost tripped while Abhira blushed so hard as to become a human-tomato. Armaan and Rohit glanced at each other before saying "After the anniversary."

"After the anniversary, you guys will not be newly-wed. Then what is the whole point?" Asked Manisha obviously shipping Armaan and Abhira. Abhira who was lost in the dreams of proposing Armaan hit Chachi playfully on her shoulder, again blushing. This earned any eye-roll from Roohi and Rohit. Dadi Sa nodded in agreement with Chachi. 

Rohit furrowed his eyebrows, thinking hard to convince Dadi Sa. Then, he put forward his trump card against his family. "Roohi, what do you think?" Rohit asked while Roohi glared at him. He wanted Roohi to convince Dadi Sa.

"Dadi Sa, Armaan and Rohit are right. After all Rohit is back after all these months, he wants to spend time with his family. And we cannot blame him. Right? Because everybody in this family are so close to each other. And he missed the home-food. We can plan some activities and picnics for the time being. Okay?" Roohi said. This reasoning, convinced Dadi Sa and she nodded her apporval. 

As they all left after having lunch, Abhira whispered to Armaan, "Why is she the one to take decisions for us too? We can go alone right?" Armaan glared at her in return before leaving and Abhira stood there thinking, Armaan might be also blushing at the thought of their honeymoon.


"Your family is too dramatic." Roohi said to Rohit who was busy searching for his watch.

"Dadi Sa didn't ask why you were not wearing Mangalsutra and Sindoor?" Rohit asked seeing her plain appearance.

"I said that on our Anniversary, we will go to the temple and get married."

"Not in lehenga-sherwani thing right?"



"You don't like it?" Roohi asked to Rohit. Both of them had turned the room into a battleground, searching for the watch.

"Too hot."

"Who, me?" Roohi blurted out before clapping her hands over her mouth. She inherited these types of bakwas jokes from her father, who often did this to her mother. She went red. It was bad that she cracked that type of joke in their sanskari household, but said this to the last person who should hear it. That was coming back for sure.

Rohit dropped the watch that he found milli-seconds ago. His mouth agape and eyes widened. Did she just do that? Yes, she did. His watch was now broken and they both were staring at each other, faces red. 

"Oh, My watch broke." Rohit said to defuse the tension.

"Oh, Your watch broke." Roohi said, keen to change the topic.

The sound of Dadi Sa calling them, came as a sweet melody as they both rushed to the hall, mentally noting this to be one of the embarrassing moments, which should not come up in their conversation hereafter.


A filler chapter. Drama begins now. 

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