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Summer. I hated summer. It was the starting of my new session in school. I would start my new high school. Evergreen High. I moved to Palm Springs, California a few weeks back and finally settled in my dorm room just well. My roommate won't be arriving until Wednesday. It was Sunday. School starts next week. I thought. It was my first time staying far away from my parents but I am not complaining. It's better to be by yourself than always be strangled by your parent's hold. But anyways, the room was nice and comfy, huge enough to have separate beds. On one corner it was my roommate's bed and table and on the other side it was mine. I decorated mine with a nice star hanging LED lights which gave off a nice and comfortable yellow light. I loved it.

I was too bored sitting so I decided to roam around my dormitory. I couldn't get the chance to roam around because I had been busy with unpacking. I wore my favorite loose half sleeved tee and my normal pants. It was scorching hot. I took my phone and some money and went out, locked the door.

The dorm was big enough to be called a castle or something. I saw many other girls in the dorm with their friends. Guys and gals had different dormitories which is pretty obvious but I am pretty sure that they'd sneak in and out occasionally. I walked around the campus and went outside for ice cream. I spotted one of the ice cream stalls and made my way over to it. Once there I asked the guy to give me Chocolate ice cream. Yes, I kept it simple because chocolate was the only thing that made me happy, doesn't matter which type, but there would be times I would not even touch chocolate. Surprise. The guy gave a nod and handed me my chocolate ice cream. I paid and then walked back to the dorms. The dorm had a nice yard with benches and some swings. I made my way over to a bench and sat down eating my ice cream.

It's such a boring day. I thought. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud and snarky laugh. I saw a blonde girl running with a huge grin on her face as other girls chased her. I was curious and had nothing better to do so I walked up to them. I positioned myself in front of the blonde and she started slowing down. Looking up close she was shorter than I expected. 5'4ft I guess. She looked up at me with a confused look and I gave her the same look. I broke the silence. "Anything interesting going on?", I asked curiously, and looked at her carrying a bag and a pink suitcase.

"Oh well uhm...", she stopped, the girls who were chasing her started getting closer. Oh well, nothing better to do?

"What's your room?", I asked and she replied "504".

Perfect, she was my roommate, wait but wasn't she supposed to be coming on Wednesday? I brushed off the thoughts and held her wrist and for a short person like her I guess she was a little too fast because damn I could not keep up with her.

In not more than what, like five minutes or something and we reached our room. We both panted as she sat across my bed and I sat beside her. We both looked at each other and for some reason we burst into laughing. We had a nice and warm aura surrounding us. I then finally asked,

"So, weren't you gonna be coming on Wednesday?", I asked with a mischievous tone. She looked at me and then with a smile she said,

"Well, let me explain because this is complicated as fuck. So y'know how Evergreen High is sooooooo damn obsessed with a perfect timing over everything and shit. And because things were going downhill at my house, I had to come before. The girls in the front desk of the dormitory, did not let me the access to the key card, and THAT made me loose my shit and I came running." She looked at me with a friendly gaze and said,

"My name is Ivelle. Ivelle Ravenwood."

Such a pretty name. I thought. I then shook her hand and replied "Jade Ashford." I said with a friendly smile. She gave a nod and then got up to stretch. She told me she was gonna go and get refreshed. I gave her an okay and sat on my study table and scrolled on my phone.

After an hour Ivelle came out from the bathroom and dried herself up and changed into comfortable clothes. I faced her and gave her a smile. She was really pretty. Pretty green eyes, soft cheekbones and a delicate facial features, her blonde hair long enough to touch her thigh and she had a stunning body (I swear I am not a creep, I am straight) . She was the most jaw dropping woman I have ever seen and she is my roommate. I felt kinda proud about that. It was almost night and the moon shined bright. We had a longgggg talk about almost everything. Our favourite series, movie, food, ice cream, etc. etc. We had a good conversation and I was glad that she was my roommate. I had weird assumptions about my roommate before, like 'what if they aren't hygienic', 'what if they don't like me?'. My thoughts started to wander off on their own now. It was 11:55PM, almost time to sleep. We both were tired from the day and we said our good nights to each other and slept.


Well the first day of school was getting closer. Timeskip to Saturday, 12:34PM. Great, two more days and I start school. I have been nervous as hell, because I had a major issue in choosing my clothes which are "appropriate" to wear in school. But anyways I was still nervous and so was Ivelle. Throughout the days me and her had been talking about stuff and surprisingly we're closer. It's nice to have her around. She was currently outside to buy some snacks because we decided to watch a horror movie, our love for horror movies was common. So we decided to watch The Ring. After a while she came home with a huge smile.

"I got them snacksssssss-ah." She said in a sassy tone. She is so sassy and matches my vibe, it's really fun. I looked at her and laughed a bit on her sassiness. She gave back a smile and nodded. "Ma'am your sassiness is gonna be the death of me", I said play flirting with her. She laughed at my flirting and shook her head. She bought some chips, my favorite and her favorite chocolates, some candies and my favorite biscuits. Hide and Seek. By the amount of snacks Ivelle got, I guess we are going to get diabetes for sure.

A few minutes later we had set up the mini projector in our room, connected it to my phone, made a comfy space with pillows and blanket, and started the movie. The movie went on and on for 2 hours we skipped the intro and started right to it. We both were almost in each others arms. We were scared shitless but something about horror movies always interested me, the feeling of being watched by a stranger, paranormal activities, all of them fascinated me. The movie finally ended and we both were almost breathless. The movie had us in a choke hold but it was fun watching it. I looked over to Ivelle just to see her as scared as I am. I didn't say anything because I was as scared as her so we both didn't move and just sat there wondering about the movie. Then she breaks the silence by saying, "You wanna go out? It would be so fun". My eyes widened at the question. Going outside? At 2AM? Is she crazy? Yes she is and I am too.

We got into our comfortable clothes and sneaked out of the dorm. We finally made it outside and relief washed over me. I noticed an abandoned warehouse in the distance, it was near the boy's dorms and the school gym. 

"Hey Ive, let's go explore that abandoned building." I said with a mischievous grin and she obviously said yes. Who said crazy people never get along? Me and Ivelle definitely do.

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