« Worst Week Ever »

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Honestly, I feel bad for Umbridge. She needs to get help, and that's sad, how someone with innocent parents raised this piece of filth. 

Harry was struggling with homework, and I helped him with some tips about the essays we were assigned. Ron didn't do them either. 

"Why didn't you do them last night?" I asked Ron. 

"Doing other stuff." He muttered as he scrawled some dreams on a piece of parchment for Divination. "that'll have to do, I've said I was buying a pair of shoes, she cant make anything weird out of that." 

I was glad I didn't pick Divination. I had Alice either way. 

Arithmancy was very nice, but almost the whole time, Hermione was bugging me to tell her what happened in Umbridge's office, which I vowed to never speak of again. 

It was a moderate day, bt Harry had quite a bad day. He was one of the worst in transfiguartion since he didn't practice the Vanishing Spell and he had to give up his lunch hour for the picture of the bowtruckle. I felt bad for him and offered to help. Plus, astronomy, transfiguration, and care of magical creatures gave us even more homework. 

I was worried about Harry because, unlike me, he needs to sleep. 

While Harry was at dinner, the rather rude Angelina Johnson came up to him and learned about him not coming to keeper tryouts, she procedded to scream at him. As she stormed away from us, Harry yelled, "Im in detention! D'you think I'd rather be stuck in a room with that old toad then playing Quidditch?" 

"At least its just lines." Hermione said, comfortingly. "At least its not a dreadful punishment." 


"Tell us what?" Ron and Hermione said simultaneously. 

I gave him a look. "I'll tell them later." 

"NOW!" I said. "Fine, just to help you, well say it after the second detention, and I'll say what happened to me." 

"Yes, that sounds good." Harry said, relieved. 

Ron kept bugging us to tell him what happens in Umbridge's room. "RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY IF YOU DON'T STOP I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU STOP!" Ron recoiled. 

"I cant believe how much homework we've got." Ron said, trying to change the subject. 

"Why didn't you do any last night? Where were you anyway?" Hermione asked him. 

"I fancied a walk." Ron said awkwardly. 

I raised my eyebrow in sarcasm. "Really, Ronald?" I said. "mhm..." 

The second detention wasn't as bad. I had stopped screaming since I had gotten used to the pain, but it still hurt, extremely, just like what becoming a vampire was. 

I left, fuming. I waited for Harry again and when we walked back, we were deciding what to tell Ron and Hermione, but when we got to the common room, no one was there. 

We decided to do homework and when Harry finished, it was about three in the morning. 

When he finished, he slumbered up to bed while i went out to the forest. 

"Hey guys," I said patting Finn's neck this time. 

Today, I just basked in the glory of these beautiful creatures. 

Harry was so tired on Thursday that he was basically sleepwalking everywhere, same with Ron, even though there was no reason. 

The detention that day was fine, and I couldn't help but overhear what umbridge was telling Harry inside the office. 

PALE SKIN |HARRY X OC|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें