Chapter 4, The Crash

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"It's not what it looks like," I say, shocked.

I thought I left the gun in my drawer?!? I don't even know why I kept it. But how in hell did the gun end up in my shorts? Maybe I was going to throw it overboard, but I guess I forgot.

"Cal, seriously."

Cal looks at me, terror on his face.

"It's Apollo's! I took it so nobody would find it and use it."

Cal looks less terrified, and his face relaxes. He had no trouble believing me.

"Where on earth is Apollo?!?"

I burst into tears and tell Cal everything, but leave out the part where I changed the boat's direction to head to Florida and make it seem like Apollo ran off. I know he would think I'm crazy.

"Shoot, Court-Lin." He pulls me into a tight hug. "So he shot himself?" Cal asks, sounding doubtful.


I wanted to ask him if he was breaking up with Louella, but it wasn't the time. And I have a feeling he won't.

There's a knock at the door.

"Cali?" I hear Louella say.

So, she invented a new nickname for him?
"Shoot—" Calico whispers, "Hide!"

I sprawl onto the floor and crawl under the bed, trying to control my breath.

The door opens, and I hear Louella enter. I hear footsteps approaching Calico's bed, and his bed squeaks as she sits on it.

"Hey, Lou. Not a good time."

"It's about Courtney."
I almost gasp, but thankfully, I contain it. I shift uncomfortably.


"I think..." Louella hesitates. "Hear me out, okay?"


"I know Courtney is your best friend, but she's been acting weird lately. And nobody has seen Apollo since the bonfire. Nobody but Courtney, who supposedly saw him just now— according to Azarula. Which is really suspicious because we looked everywhere for him on the boat, and he has no reason to hide from us like Courtney thinks he's doing..."

At that moment, I realised that my plan to divert the boat to land and claim Apollo must have run off was not going to work since they'd already looked everywhere on the boat. They know that Apollo is not on this boat. And why would Apollo run off anyway if we did reach land?

I will just stick to the clueless act if anyone asks me. Act like I don't know what the hell happened. I mean, he could have just tripped and fell overboard, then drowned, right?
All the evidence is gone.

Except for the gun.

Which was lying about two feet in front of me, exposed.

Just my luck.

Louella goes on about how many times I've been to jail, but of course, my rich parents bailed me out while I try to think of a plan to get the gun without catching Louella's attention.

Calico's feet are dangling from the bed, and I grab his left foot and pull off his shoe, hoping Louella isn't looking at his feet. I use his shoe to point to the gun.

"Louella, I know Court-Lin might not seem... innocent, but she is."

"I just— Apollo's my friend, you know." I can tell Louella is tearing up.

"Here, have a hug," Calico says.

I know he's only announcing their hug as a cue for me to grab the gun. And I do, successfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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