☆ A Dance With Danger ☆

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The elevator doors slid open, and the room lit up as you stepped onto the colorful dance floor.  Almost immediately, you heard a familiar voice.

"Welcome- Oh!  Well, well, if it isn't my favorite dancer!  Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all, man."

You watched as a platform extended to the dance floor, and part of the wall lifted up to reveal a tall man, who promptly rolled out onto the floor on his skates. 

This was none other than Brock Throckmorton.  The two of you had grown acquainted since your first time in the regretevator, so much so that he would even come out to greet you on occasion.  As far as you knew, you were the only person he'd do that for.  Another thing he'd do was let you use this floor as a chance to take a break and hang out.  Of course, Brock loved to challenge you, but sometimes just a nice conversation would suffice.

"So, what's going on?" 

"Well, I WAS tryna fix the floor. It's stuck on green, for some reason.."

It was only then that you actually took notice of the floor.  All of the tiles were, as he said, stuck on the green color.

".. Wow, I dunno how I didn't notice it.  Anyways, what do you THINK is the problem?"

"Not sure.  I assume it's something with the controls, but.."

He shrugged.

"You can come look if you want."

With that, you followed him into his control room. 

"I don't think you'll be able to do anythin', you probably don't have any understanding of-"

There was a loud 'CLANG' .  Brock looked over to you, clearly shocked.

"Did- Did you just kick the-"

"It's working, isn't it?"

He peered out of the room.  The floor was back to normal, switching between its colors once more.

".... Huh.  Nice job."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm amazing.  That's why I'm a god at this and literally have never died once."

Brock looked at you and your cocky grin, his eyebrow raised.  You were lying, and you knew that he knew you were lying.

"Really now?  Well then, why don't we test that out?"

Immediately regretting your statement, you tried to find a way out of it.

"Pfft, no way!  I know you'll make it impossible for me!"

He scoffed.

"I would NEVER!  I can't believe you'd accused me of doing such a thing!"

"Oh you KNOW you would, you prick!"

".. Fine, MAYBE I would."

The two of you laughed.

"Seriously though, you wanna dance?"

Considering your options, you ultimately decided against it.  You had pretty much ran for your life for the past two floors, so your legs felt like jelly.  It didn't help that his smooth voice made it even worse.

"Nah.. I'm not in the mood.. Too much work.  Besides, I've got some good items that I really don't wanna lose."

"No, that's not what I meant!"

You looked at him with a confused expression, tilting your head.

".. What???"

"I mean like.. ACTUALLY dancing.  With me.  It's, uh, it's been a while, and I could use some more practice..  Besides, I think it'd be fun!"

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