ii. all flags are red through rose tinted glasses

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*: Don Juan is 'a legendary Spaniard proverbial for his seduction of women' who has been used as a way to refer to 'a captivating man known as a great lover or seducer of women' in the same way one would use Cassanova (another historical figure known for seducing women) [according to merriam webster]

**: Tailorwise, from tailor +‎ -wise, referring to the traditional working posture of tailors. (also known as criss-cross applesauce)

With the immediate threat of bandits dealt with, the strawhats left the new addition to handle the fate of her captors. Meanwhile, they began discussing their next move outside.

By nightfall, food had been secured, as Sanji had begun to cook skewered meat over the makeshift campfire the bandits originally had.

"Now that i have you guys to assist me on my adventure, finding this treasure should be a piece of cake!" Y/N snapped her fingers, an imaginary star flying out to twinkle in her eye. "But... I can only utilize you effectively if I know your strengths and weaknesses."

"Like hell, I'd tell a stranger my weakness!" The green-haired man objected, only to be decked in the face by the lovecook.

"Watch it, marimo!"

'Those two dont work well together, I can tell.' The women sweatdropped at the childish bickering across from them. "I know chia-hair is a swordsman, Don Juan* is more of a martial man, Pinocchio is..."

"A brave warrior who doesn't need to be in battles because the people around me are more than capable. Wouldn't want overkill, right?" The boy in question waved his hand dismissively in front of his face, looking damn near everywhere that wasn't the swordswoman.

"A decoy-"


"Rubber-boy is also a martial guy, though he has more utility with his devil fruit. Finally, red-head is good with directions and supervision. Am I correct?" She finished, glancing over the faces of less than happy people, whether due to their designation or nicknames was irrelivant.

First to speak up was red-head with a swift punch to the back of Y/N's head (that somehow hurt worse than her mom's) and a devilish face. "I refuse to be boiled down to chaperone! I am a complex individual, and i will not stand to be slandered like this!"

"Nami's right. I don't appreciate being called a decoy, especially since I'm the capitain!" Pinocchio added, taking a bite of the fresh kebab, only to realize it was far hotter than expected.

"I'm the capitain! How many times do I have to tell you?" Rubber-boy frowned.

She shrugged, taking a bite of meat, ignoring how it burned her togue just to somehow prove herself better than the long-nosed boy. "Dont get me wrong, you guys are probably way more skilled beyond whatever I said, but for the purposes of this operation, I needed to simplify things."

Nami hit her again. "Who made you the leader anyways? Isn't luffy your capitain now?"

"Yep." Y/N emphasized the 'p' noise. "But we're working on seniority here."

"Wait, but Im the oldest here?" Sanji paused his scuffle, a bit confused.

Zoro used the time to sit up, sneering. "Unless two-swords over there is secretly way older and is just trying to preserve her youth -"

Y/N and Sanji punched the top of his skull simultaneously, "Take it back, punk!"

Slightly agitated, she stood fully up. "And for reference, I was referring to seniority on seeking this treasure. I've been looking the longest, so therefore, im in charge." With no further objections, she strutted over to where she had pinned the map to the cave wall using her captors' 'spare' swords. Y/N pointed to the crown shaped landmark, "This is where we are currently," she moved with the bright red arrow to the close-up, where her previous trails were marked. "So far, out of the twenty-five odd paths, I've narrowed it down to just three. With six of us, we can split into groups of two. That way, at least one of us will find the treasure!"

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