Chapter Four - Echoes of Tenderness

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Three months had flown by since the twins and I were finally discharged from the hospital. No one had warned me about the sheer exhaustion that comes with caring for two infants. It was a whirlwind of exhaustion and joy. As I sat on the sofa, the weight of my boys in my arms, I couldn't help but marvel at how different they were already developing to be. Taji, with his restless energy and insatiable need for comfort, seemed to always demand my attention, while Ari, though easier to soothe, had his own set of needs that required constant attention.

I had stumbled upon a little trick to keep Taji soothed – placing him alongside his brother seemed to work wonders, calming him down in a way nothing else could. But today, what started as a routine day turned into chaos. The day had started like any other, with the usual round of feeding, changing diapers, and attempting to catch a moment of rest whenever possible. But as the hours wore on, fatigue began to settle in, weighing heavy on my shoulders. I had just managed to settle the twins down in their cot, hoping for a brief moment to catch some much needed sleep when a sharp cry shattered the tranquillity of the room.

Rushing to the cot, my heart clenched at the sight of Ari's tiny face, a bruise already forming on his cheek. Taji, nestled beside him, looked equally startled, his cries joining his brother's in a cacophony of distress. With a sigh, I scooped both boys into my arms, their small bodies warm against mine as I tried to calm their cries.

After awhile, exhaustion overwhelmed me. I shifted to a comfortable position and sighed in delight then tried to hold Ari and Taji closer to me, only to come across a cold shuka. My eyes flew open and I quickly sat up in fear but my racing heart calmed down when I heard Jabari playing with the babies. Turning my head, my eyes met Jabari's amused gaze as he entertained the boys with gentle laughter and playful gestures.

"You scared me half to death," I admitted, playfully nudging Jabari as he looked up at me with concern.

"Why? You look pale. Bad dream? "Jabari questioned.

"Something like that," I waved his concern away. "When did you get home?"

"Some few minutes ago. You looked awfully tired but these two were just awake. I took them and you fell asleep. What happened to Ari?" He asked, his eyes flickering to Ari's bruised cheek.

"Taji happened. He scratched him. I need to trim their nails or they'll end up blinding each other." At the moment, the two were playfully cooing at each other.

A knock sounded at the door, causing my heart to skip a beat. We both knew who it was – Tom, with his unpredictable visits that always seemed to come at just the right time. Jabari chuckled, reaching out to gently ruffle Taji's dark curls. "Lover boy's here!" he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he went to answer the door.

"Hi Tommy," a mischievous grin spread across his face as he greeted Tom with playful banter.

"Hello," Tom's warm voice filled the room as he stepped inside, his hands casually tucked into his pockets as usual. His presence was always a welcome reprieve from the chaos of the day. It never failed to bring a sense of calm to the chaos in my life, his easy going demeanour and unwavering support serving as a steady anchor in the storm of parenthood. As he crossed the threshold into the room, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement stir within me, despite the fatigue that still lingered in my bones.

"What's up Ari?" He greeted soflty, picking him up. He turned to me, with a furrowed brow, his dark eyes filled with concern and curiosity. "Well," I picked a happily cooing Taji, "this happened." A weary sigh escaped my lips as I recounted the events of the day. "Just another day in the life of a twin mom," I said with a wry smile, though my eyes betrayed the exhaustion I felt.

"Who knew Taji would throw the first punch!" He sniggered as he sat down next to me, slightly brushing his shoulder with mine. "Deeply disappointed Ari, I had my bet on you." Tom chuckled, settling well into the sofa.

"Don't encourage him," I warned with a smile. "Were trying to keep the peace here."

As Tom cradled Ari in his arms, I couldn't help but notice the tenderness in his touch, the way he seemed completely at ease with the tiny bundle in his arms. It was a sight that filled me with a strange mix of emotions, a longing I couldn't quite name. A sense of calm settled over the room, his tenderness casting a soothing spell over the frazzled atmosphere. His eyes softened as he gazed down at the tiny bundle, a small smile playing on his lips. There was something different about his demeanour today, a gentleness that I hadn't noticed before. An unexpected affection that made my heart flutter. "Thank you, Tom," I muttered softly, overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude. "For everything."

He met my gaze, his eyes reflecting a myriad of unspoken emotions. "I can't seem to stay away from them, and you. They're beautiful," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just like their mother."

Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I glanced away, feeling a sudden rush of shyness. But when I looked back, his eyes held nothing but sincerity. Before I could dwell on the moment any longer, Ari's cry broke through the tender exchange, pulling us back to reality. Tom passed him back to me with a lingering touch and his gaze lingering on mine for a moment longer than necessary. With a final nod and a small smile, he excused himself, leaving me with my two precious boys.

As the door closed behind him, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between us, something unspoken yet palpable. The soft rhythm of my babies' breaths filled the space, but my mind was elsewhere, tangled in thoughts of the man who had just left. Watching Tom cradle Ari in his arms had stirred something within me, a fluttering of emotions I hadn't anticipated. His gentle touch, his whispered words—they lingered in the air, leaving behind a trail of unspoken questions and possibilities. And as I held my precious boys close, I couldn't help but feel hopeful for what lay ahead.

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See you in the next chapter.

Love, Kiki.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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