Chapter 13- Imogen

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Trigger warnings- Swearing, cheating mentioned and a break up.

I can't believe what just happened. Well..I say it just happened but it's actually been almost a week since we visited my parents. Still, I can't believe that they accepted me.

My mum texts me every day to ask how I am and to ask for Liam as well. It feels great knowing that she really does care. Edward also texts me daily when he doesn't pass me in the hallways to check up on me too.

Now, Liam and I are planning to visit his parents. We've been trying to ask his dad if I can come over for the past few days and Liam texts me saying he's finally gotten an answer.

Liam- Hello sweetheart, my dad finally texted me back. We're all good to go round my house on Thursday. Apparently he's got some meetings to attend the rest of the week...

I text back eagerly.

Imogen- Hey! That's great news! I can't wait to meet him. And don't worry, I'll be there to hold your hand through the whole thing.

Liam- Don't you worry about that. Even looking at your face is enough to brighten the worst situations.

Imogen- Aww such a romantic aren't you.

Liam- I do try ;)

Imogen- I'm afraid I can't talk for too long right now. I've got some maths homework to do.

Liam- I can't believe you're cheating on me with quadratic equations!

Imogen- I'm sorry! If it makes you feel better, you're way more fun to hang out with.

Liam- I should hope so! Well, I'll text you later before you go to sleep. Don't work too hard.

Imogen- I won't. Love you x

Liam- I love you more <3 xxx

Imogen- Ok you win x

Liam- :D

I settle into the equations and try my best to not think about Liam. Which is actually more difficult than it sounds. Sometimes, I imagine what he'd say if he was with me right now. I like to think I know him so well I can predict what he'd say in the moment right now if he was with me all the time.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door. I throw it open, expecting to see Liam, and I can't help the smile that drops from my face as I see Chloe standing there instead.

"Wow," she says sarcastically. "I help you win your boyfriend back, and now you drop your smile when you see it's me at your door and not him? Rude, girl, rude."

"Sorry," I say, putting on a fake smile. "We were just texting and I hoped he'd come over to help with my maths homework."

"You mean distract you from your maths homework?"

I laugh, "you know me too well. Anyway, enough about me, where's Jem?"

Now for the first time in her life, Chloe goes silent.

I pull her into my room, shut the door and guide her to my bed. Even after we've sat down, she's still silent. "Chlo, you can tell me anything. What happened?"

She bursts into tears and spits out, "s-she's been cheating on me!"

I pull her into a hug. "My god, Chlo, I'm so sorry. How did you find out?"

"Your step brother told me."

"Edward told you?" I say questioningly. "How did he find out?"

Instead of telling me, Chloe thrusts her phone at me. It's so her, with its pink, glittery phone case. And of course, there's a pride flag front and centre, since she's never ashamed to show herself off to the world. She's already unlocked it and I see a text conversation on the screen.

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