Chapter 1:The Change

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It was currently night time and mineta minarou was busy throwing away all of his perverted stuff. He had come to realize that his behavior was horrible and he felt terrible for the way he was treating the girls. As he threw everything away, he experienced an excruciating migraine and held his head.

Mineta:Stupid migraines, it's been happening all week. Whatever, I deserve it after everything I've done.

He finished up and put the bags by the door and turned in for the night. He turned off his light and fell asleep.

During the night his body felt as if it were on fire, the blood in his veins boiling and his muscles felt as if it were being torn apart, his bones broke and rearranged themselves. Since his room was soundproof, he let out the most blood curdling cries known to man.


This continues for a staggering 5 hours till he felt his body cool down, as if someone had dumped ice cold water on him. He panted as he caught his breath, he then fell back to sleep and the sweat had soaked the bed, along with blood.

The next morning

He woke up, feeling better after everything that had happened the night before, he rubbed his neck and got out of bed. His bed sheets were stained with old blood, he didn't care at the moment as he got up and heads to his bathroom to wash his face.

He turns on the faucet and washed his face, after he was finished, he looked at his reflection and was shocked.

He was no longer short, he stood at 7'3 and had a very musclar build, his hair was no longer in balls and rather a short style, he had a more mature face and his eyes were a slightly darker purple.

Mineta:How did this happen?

He tries to think about it, then he remembered last night, the pain and agony that happened, could it have been a growth spurt? If it was it was definitely a very intense one.

Mineta:By my understanding, it must have been a large amount of human growth hormones that was released all at once, causing my body to change rapidly.

The change didn't just change him physically, but mentally aswell. He was now fully awake, understanding the implications of this sudden change. Though he couldn't dwell on that now, he still had things to do.

He continues to clear out all the things from last night. He had plans for his room and he'll be putting it in affect later. As it was a Saturday, no doubt the rest of the class would be awake and busy with whatever they would be busy with.

Mineta:I should probably get some new clothes aswell, all my old ones will not fit me anymore.

He finished up by disposing of the ruined bed sheets and covers, another things hell add to his ever growing list.

He walks over to his wardrobe and looked through it. He finds a 3 xl miruko shirt his mother got him, a pair of size 58 jeans and his dad's old military jacket. As well as his boots. He never understood why she gave this to him, but he was thankful none the less.

He gets dressed and walks to the door, picking up the three large garbage bags and walks out. No one was present in the halls, but he could hear the bustle of busy people in the living room area.

Mineta:Might aswell face the class now, rather than later.

He starts walking down the hall towards the stairs that led down.

In the living room

The rest of the class were busy doing their usual routine. Momo and Jiro were sitting on the couch chatting, Tsuyu was eating a bowl of cereal, Ochako was just sitting with Izuku and Iidia.

Kirishima and sero were playing some games on the tv while Kaminari watched, bakugou was no where to be seen as he went home for the weekend, Toru and Mina were chatting and Shoto was enjoying a bowl of cold soba.

Izuku:Have you guys seen Mineta? He's usually awake by now.

Mina:No, but who cares, he's nothing but a disgusting pervert.

Jiro:Yeah seriously mophead, don't waste your time worrying about him.

Izuku understands the girls hate toward mineta, but he has noticed that he hasn't bothered the girls or said any sort of remarks regarding them.

They all heard someone walking down the stairs, they all looked and saw a way different mineta, he looked more mature and taller.They were all shocked till kaminari spoke up.

Kaminari:Mineta?! Is that you?!

Mineta looks around at the others, he was silent for a moment. Before he finally spoke and his voice carried a very mature tone.

Mineta:Yeah it's me Denki.

All the boys were floored by this,and the girls were also flabbergasted by his sudden change. He looked at them for a moment before he continues on his way.

Mina:Mineta, what is in the bags?

He stops and looks at her, she saw he had a more mature attitude and his eyes carried the same.

Mineta:I'm discarding of all of my pervert possessions as I am trying to be a better person. I have learned that my behavior was nothing short of vile, and I do understand your resentment to me. I hope to give you all a sincere apology and hope to atone for all the things I did in the short time I have known you all.

Mina could feel the sincerity in his words. He truly meant everyone of them. The others felt it too. Momo, Jiro, Tsuyu, Toru and Ochako approach him and stand in front of him along with Mina.

Momo:Mineta, we can't forgive you immediately, though we can see your efforts in changing.

Ochako:Yeah, if you keep it up, you may be forgiven for what you did.

Tsuyu:I agree with them, I may hate you but you are trying atleast *kero*

Jiro:So we will all give you one chance to prove to us that you have changed your ways and well forgive you.

Toru:Can you do that?

Mineta takes in their words and simply nods as he understands where they are coming from, he was terrible to them,but they are willing to give him a chance to prove that he has changed.

Mineta:I understand, and I solemnly swear that I will never do any perverted act nor remark for as long as I life.

With that, he goes out and throws the bags away, then goes to the mall to by everything he needed. New clothes, bedsheets, covers,some books, model kits and a very large aquarium, he decided to keep some fish in his downtime.

He returns to UA a little bit after 8 pm, and takes everything to his room to set up everything. He puts all his new clothes in the wardrobe, puts all the books in the empty shelves in order, the model kits on his large desk and sets up the stand and fishtank by the wall near the window.

He fills it with water and adds the dechlorinating liquid to eliminate the chlorine in the water, adds the heater, light and cascade filter to the tank. He then puts in the pebbles that were natural colors and a few other decorations. Like a sunken ship and an air stone for the pump.

He then puts on his new duvet covers, mattress cover and pillow sleeves, they were a darkish grey and he preferred it way more.

With that, he smiles at his new room. He had gotten rid of the pink wallpaper aswell duue to it being very tacky and a reminder of his old self. He has replaced the wallpaper with a blue wallpaper that gradually turn to a light blue.

He lays down on his bed and turns off the light, sleeping and hoping things will get better tomorrow.

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